Easter Bonnet Parade
AM Nursery: 10:30am PM Nursery: 2pm Reception, Year 1 & 2: 1:30pm Parents are invited to come and see parades
AM Nursery: 10:30am PM Nursery: 2pm Reception, Year 1 & 2: 1:30pm Parents are invited to come and see parades
R/Y1 Mrs James' class Y1/Y2 Mrs Turner's class Y2 Mrs Hussell's class To visit St. Fagan's
The Governors of St. Joseph's Infants have agreed that the school will close on Monday 6th June as a day in lieu for the Queens Platinum Jubilee
Please note that Year 2 will walk to the Junior School after lunch on Wednesday 8th June for their transition. They will walk back in time for buses.
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes will visit Margam Park.
First Holy Communion in Our Lady of Margam 10am
On Thursday 16th June, Finesse Photography will call to take class photographs