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Return to School Questions and Answers

What to expect when you return to school


Please take some time to read the Newsletters from:


-July 16th – Arrangements for September 2020

-25th August Newsletter for Nursery 2020

-25th August 2020 Newsletter for Y1 and Y2

-31st August 2020 Update on Wearing Masks


We are looking forward to seeing you all soon. You will I am sure have some questions that you would like answered. We have been available to take calls over the last 2 days and it has been wonderful to touch base with some families. Here are some of your questions answered. If you have any other queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The plan for September has drawn guidance from the following essential documents:


Keep Education Safe- Operational Guidance for School Settings

Neath Port Talbot Check in, Catch Up and Prepare for Summer and September Arrangements

School Risk Assessments for reducing the risk of Covid-19

Operational guidance for schools and settings from autumn term

Managing Movement Around Schools

PPE Information Poster

Disease Outbreak Plan for Wales (2020) Public Health Wales


Q.If my child has a cough- What do we do?

A.Keep the child at home, organise a COVID-19 test. Contact Public Health Wales.


Q:How will school life be organised?

A:Classes will be kept in class bubbles- as far as possible following Public Health Wales advice. School day will be different, classes will arrive at slightly different times, Year 2 first at 8:45, then Year 1 and Reception at 8:55, Nursery at 9. As far as possible we will keep in class and teaching bubbles. Hygiene will be paramount, we will be asking children to clean their hands frequently throughout the day. The day will be shortened with only 30 mins for lunch. Designated Dinner ladies will arrive 15 mins before lunch, to clean classroom tables, for the moment we will be staying in our own classrooms to eat lunch. Dinner ladies will then re clean our tables. There will be a short break around 10 o’clock and again in the afternoon. The yard will be divided to separate class bubbles.


Q: Why stagger the intake?

A: Because young children find it difficult to socially distance, we have staggered year group entry.


Q: Where do we drop off children?

A: Mrs Mapp/ Torrance, Mrs James and Miss Wellington’s children will be dropped off to side yard where they will be met by their class teacher/ Teaching Assistant.

Mrs Turner’s children to be dropped off at the side ramp to the front of the school.


Q:Where do we collect children at the end of the day?

A:Year 2 will be released from the RAMP to the side of the Head’s office.

Mrs Mapp/Torrance and Mrs James will be released from the ramp in the main playground.

Mrs Turner’s children from the ramp at the front of the school.

Nursery from the main Nursery door.


Q:Will temperatures be taken?

A: Public Health Wales does not recommend that temperatures be taken.


Q:Do we need to send equipment/ resources/ water?

A:As shared with you in Summer term, we will provide all resources. To reduce the risk of transmission, please do not send anything into school, keep lunch boxes small, send water in a named water bottle. As we shared in the Summer Term – fruit will be provided. Please send snack money in an envelope (£2:00 weekly) this will be left for 72 hours.


Q: Will children use antibac wipes?

A: Public Health Wales recommend that washing hands is a more effective way to clean hands. Hand washing stations are in place in every classroom for use by the class bubble (This was shown in video sent out in July). Frequent hand washing will be a vital part of the school routine when the Children return together with, Catch it : Bin it. All classes have new bins with lids.

In school we will be following 3 basic steps:

Ensure that cleanliness and hygiene is excellent in our classrooms.

  • Maximising ventilation. Keeping classroom door and windows open if possible, for air flow.
  • Teaching outdoors when we can and maintaining social distancing in these spaces.
  • Staff will model social distancing. Staff must demonstrate this.


Q.What happens if my child or another family member/ teacher displays COVID-19?

A:Public Health Wales advice is that the child/ adult should not attend school and arrange for a COVID-19 test.

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