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Doing Something Different for Lent

Pope Francis’ message this Lent:

Nobody, no situation and no place

is beyond God’s care 


Dear Mums and Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Staff, brothers and sisters,

Missio have met today and decided that during Lent we would like to do something different! Missio have suggested that together as a Catholic community we might:

  1. Give up or limit time on phones, i-pads, Play Stations?
  2. Find 5 minutes extra a day to pray to Jesus?
  3. Save pocket money and give to those in need?


Together we have decided to rise to the challenge of walking 10,000 steps a day during Lent. We would like everyone to join us ‘Doing something different’, getting fit and raising money for Missions in Peru (Father Giovanni) and Mission Together.


We thought it would be fun to do this together and are hoping that our whole community will join us in this adventure.

Please fill in the promise below asap and send donations in by Monday 8th April.                                                 

 Thanks, Missio



Missio Prayer Buddies

Missio Ambassadors have today been developing the prayer garden. The sun shone as we cleaned and  began to decorate the Chill out zone. Thanks to Mr Michael O’Brien who has given the area a fresh coat of paint. Today our Missio thought about friends in school for whom they would like to pray. Simple baubles were decorated and hung on the conifer trees.

Missio Update. Minutes of Meeting Tues 27th November 18

Agenda: 27.11.18

  1. Well done for action research at home
  2. How shall we share this information with others?
  3. Planning our special assembly
  4. Loving our World this Christmas
  5. Loving our school-How can we improve our playground?



Well done to ‘Reducing waste water’ group and ‘Switching off lights’ group who have created fantastic posters which will be put up around school.

Children shared ideas with all Missio Ambassadors and will share with whole school in the special Missio Assembly on  Friday. During this Missio Ambassadors will be given Missio badges. Please remind Mums and Dads to help you take the badge off before washing. Try to remember to wear your badge every day.

Teachers- Please help  Missio to have chance to to create posters.  Try using more than one App? Reminder to Missio groups to continue to switch off taps and switches every day.

Whole School Missio Message for Christmas Save trees, Save our planet. Christmas Cards are made from trees. Missio have decided to ask everyone to send ONE Christmas wish to hang on our Christmas tree, rather than many cards.

Recycle Group Ideas

  1. Children to create posters- to include message ‘Don’t drop rubbish’.
  2. Time Out – Rubbish pick, by Group members.
  3. New Bins with better signs a. Plastics, b. Milk waste, c) Fruit Waste
  4. Buy Litter pickers (Sturdy please)
  5. Recycle Group voted to swap weekly,
  6. Year 2 responsibility for Week 1.


Many thanks Ms Beaumont


Next Meeting Friday 30th Nov 2018