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Collective Worship

Collective Worship at St Joseph’s Infant School

We provide a daily act of collective worship. Worship lies at the heart of Christian life and at the heart of our school. This reflects the traditions of our Catholic community. At St Joseph”s this takes many exciting and spiritually developing experiences for all the children. Collective Worship often makes links to our school’s core Christian Values. We follow the Catholic Church Calendar when planning Collective Worship and St Joseph’s has built up an excellent relationship with Saint Joseph’s Port Talobot and Our Lady of Margam to support this work. Children are encourage to plan, lead and evaluate worship throughout the year. Our Missio Ambassadors have helped provide resources for every class. This term Missio have designed and painted pebbles displaying the Catholic virtues of ATTENTIVE and DISCERNING. These have been presented to each class. Children at an age appropriate level are responsible for setting the space for worship to take place in and leading the gathering, prayers and sending out.   

We believe that the outcomes of Collective Worship should be:

  • Social experience
  • Awareness
  • Spiritual experience
  • Development of Skills
  • Development of Knowledge
  • Confidence
  • Ability to pray

Every child has opportunities to take part in Collective Worship and develop spiritual reflection.

Missio Mass at Swansea Cathedral

Our Missio group have been very busy this week!

We started the week with a special visitor that Canon Paul had invited to our school. The visitor was a lady from Missio UK who came to see all the work we have been doing as Missio ambassadors. We presented her with a cheque from our recent Missio box collection and she was very impressed with all that we do in St. Joseph’s! See the tweet below!


We then joined our fellow Diocese of Menevia schools in a wonderful Mass celebration at Swansea Cathedral!

The Mass was to celebrate Pope Francis’ extraordinary month of Mission. It was a wonderful occasion and lovely to take part in the Offertory and receive our Mission candle to burn brightly in our school.


Croeso Mrs Sheila Isaacs Missio Coordinator England and Wales.


In this month of October the Extraordinary Month of Mission

We reflect on the Catholic Virtues GENEROUS and GRATEFUL

We welcomed to Saint Joseph’s Missio Coordinator for England and Wales Mrs Shiela Isaacs and Missio Leader for Menevia, our RE Link Governor Canon Paul. Children  had the opportunity to chat with Mrs Isaacs about projects we have been working on in school.

We are following the Pope’s plea to 

‘Go and create a world of brothers and sisters!’

Pope Francis

Building on Year 2’s Assembly message of Laudato Si we are working on the main themes of the Extraordinary month of Mission

-To encourage a deeper relationship with Jesus through prayer

-To be inspired by the actions of our saints, like St. Therese of Lisieux and missionaries like Bishop Giovani Cefai in Peru.

-To increase our support of overseas mission


During the visit our Missio Ambassadors presented Mrs Isaacs with a cheque for £127  to support the work of missions overseas.

Thanks to all our  families and the community of Saint Joseph’s for your continued  support.


Missio at work in our school

What does it mean to be a Missio School?

We are a Missio School. We have a team of Missio Ambassadors, their  job is to be the hands, feet and voice of Jesus in our school.

We have answered Pope Frances’ call to look after our world and support those who need our help. A very important part of this job is to pray for each other and pray for children all over the world.

Mums, Dads and Carers we need your help. You are the First Educators.

Please pray our Mission Together Pray at home:-

We pray

May all children

In the world

Share love

Share friendship and live

In the peace

Of God’s Love

Now and forever



Thank you for coming to share in our Easter Reflection

Congratulations to the whole school and especially the Year 2 teachers and children who led us to reflect on Jesus’ final days, his suffering and glorious resurrection.

One of our school targets is to improve our listening skills, we certainly saw excellent listening skills from nearly every single child during the Easter Service, in fact at times you could hear a pin drop!

Year 2 staff; Miss Wellington, Mrs Hines and Year 2 pupils rose to the challenge of leading us through the final days of Jesus’ life, accompanied by tremendous singing and acting from the rest of the school.

I certainly would not want to meet that angry mob on the streets of Port Talbot!

See pictures of our Dress Rehearsal below!


How can we get ready for Easter and help our sisters and brothers in Peru?

Pope Francis’ message this Lent:

Nobody, no situation and no place

is beyond God’s care 


Dear Mums and Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Staff, brothers and sisters,

Missio have met today and decided that during Lent we would like to do something different! Missio have suggested that together as a Catholic community we might:

  1. Give up or limit time on phones, i-pads, Play Stations?
  2. Find 5 minutes extra a day to pray to Jesus?
  3. Save pocket money and give to those in need?


Together we have decided to rise to the challenge of walking 10,000 steps a day during Lent. We would like everyone to join us ‘Doing something different’, getting fit and raising money for Missions in Peru (Father Giovanni) and Mission Together.


We thought it would be fun to do this together and are hoping that our whole community will join us in this adventure. Please fill in the promise below asap and send donations in by Monday 8th April.                                                  Thanks, Missio

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Year 2 have been working on prayers of Thanksgiving. Using a Eucharistic Prayer for inspiration they created their own prayers of Thanks giving.



Cian’s Prayer of Thanks

God our Father,

I praise you for my friends and family for their love and friendship.

I praise you for school and parish and for the help and light that shine upon us.

We know that you are good and hold us in the palm of your hands.

Spring Come and See Newsletter for Parents

Religious Education

Spring Term 2019

Come and See at home


Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),


This term we will be studying the three themes of Local Church (Community), Eucharist (Relating) and Lent/Easter (Giving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics.


Local church – Community

(Jan/Feb 2019) 


Early Years          Celebrating – People celebrate in Church

Year 1                   Special people – People in the parish family

Year 2                   Books – The books used in Church



Eucharist – Relating

(Feb/Mar 2019) 


Early Years          Gathering – Parish family gathers to celebrate the Eucharist

Year 1                     Meals – Mass, Jesus’ special meal

Year 2                    Thanksgiving – Mass, a special time to thank God


Lent/Easter – Giving

(Mar/Apr 2019) 


Early Year            Growing  – Looking forward to Easter

Year 1                     Change – Lent: a time for change

Year 2                     Opportunities  – Lent: an opportunity to start anew



Try something at home…  Suggestions for home activities


Explore the Diocesan website, looking at the number of churches, and finding out about our bishop, Bishop Tom.

Read Bible stories together or encourage older children to read a child’s Bible.


Suggestions for home activities:

Look through the family photograph album to help the children remember important events and special people in their lives.

Discuss how we come together for special celebrations.


Suggestions for home activities 

 As a family talk about how you are going to practice self-control and self-giving for the rest of the season of Lent. You may decide to give up biscuits or cakes and donate the money to a charity.

If you have an older child provide him/her with an opportunity to take part in The Stations of the Cross.   Ask your child/ren how the school is focusing on Lent and self-giving.



 Mary, the Holy Mother of God

1 January

The Epiphany of the lord

6 January

The Baptism of the lord

13 January

The Presentation of the Lord

2 February

Ash Wednesday

6 March

St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

19 March

The annunciation of the Lord

25 March

PALM SUNDAY of the Passion of the Lord

14 April

Maundy Thursday

18 April

Good Friday

19 April

Easter Sunday

21 April