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Author: Ms Beaumont

What’s New? Parents and Friends Meeting

Thanks to those parents and friends who were able to join me to plan events for the next two terms. If you were unable to make today please get involved with events we have planned. We will next meet on Monday 1st April.

Lots of ideas were discussed and we have penciled in the following:

Thursday 4th April

Family Quiz evening at an earlier start (6:00pm) Margam Parish Hall.

Please bring a plate of food to share. We will need help with refreshments on this evening.


Friday 12 th April 2019

Easter Egg hunt- if your child has an allergy please remind staff.

Easter Bonnet parade 1:30 PM


Family Walk and Sandcastle building Sunday May 19th at 12:00 -Noon (after Mass)

19th May 2019  Beach – weather permitting. Refreshments for children has been a great success in the past.


7th June 2019

Jazz Up my scooter/ bike – raising money for CAFOD. Bring your decorated scooter or bike to school. A parade will take place PM.


28th June School Fete


Tues 2nd July:

Sports Day


Next Meeting: Monday 1st April 2019. Maybe Missio Ambassadors could come and share their idea for a Beach Clean at this meeting.

To ensure smooth running of this group, it would be helpful to appoint a Secretary and Chair. Those who attended today are forming a Whats App group to keep in touch. Please consider whether you would be willing to help.

Many thanks again,


Ms Beaumont


Spring Come and See Newsletter for Parents

Religious Education

Spring Term 2019

Come and See at home


Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),


This term we will be studying the three themes of Local Church (Community), Eucharist (Relating) and Lent/Easter (Giving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics.


Local church – Community

(Jan/Feb 2019) 


Early Years          Celebrating – People celebrate in Church

Year 1                   Special people – People in the parish family

Year 2                   Books – The books used in Church



Eucharist – Relating

(Feb/Mar 2019) 


Early Years          Gathering – Parish family gathers to celebrate the Eucharist

Year 1                     Meals – Mass, Jesus’ special meal

Year 2                    Thanksgiving – Mass, a special time to thank God


Lent/Easter – Giving

(Mar/Apr 2019) 


Early Year            Growing  – Looking forward to Easter

Year 1                     Change – Lent: a time for change

Year 2                     Opportunities  – Lent: an opportunity to start anew



Try something at home…  Suggestions for home activities


Explore the Diocesan website, looking at the number of churches, and finding out about our bishop, Bishop Tom.

Read Bible stories together or encourage older children to read a child’s Bible.


Suggestions for home activities:

Look through the family photograph album to help the children remember important events and special people in their lives.

Discuss how we come together for special celebrations.


Suggestions for home activities 

 As a family talk about how you are going to practice self-control and self-giving for the rest of the season of Lent. You may decide to give up biscuits or cakes and donate the money to a charity.

If you have an older child provide him/her with an opportunity to take part in The Stations of the Cross.   Ask your child/ren how the school is focusing on Lent and self-giving.



 Mary, the Holy Mother of God

1 January

The Epiphany of the lord

6 January

The Baptism of the lord

13 January

The Presentation of the Lord

2 February

Ash Wednesday

6 March

St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

19 March

The annunciation of the Lord

25 March

PALM SUNDAY of the Passion of the Lord

14 April

Maundy Thursday

18 April

Good Friday

19 April

Easter Sunday

21 April


Doing Something Different for Lent

Pope Francis’ message this Lent:

Nobody, no situation and no place

is beyond God’s care 


Dear Mums and Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Staff, brothers and sisters,

Missio have met today and decided that during Lent we would like to do something different! Missio have suggested that together as a Catholic community we might:

  1. Give up or limit time on phones, i-pads, Play Stations?
  2. Find 5 minutes extra a day to pray to Jesus?
  3. Save pocket money and give to those in need?


Together we have decided to rise to the challenge of walking 10,000 steps a day during Lent. We would like everyone to join us ‘Doing something different’, getting fit and raising money for Missions in Peru (Father Giovanni) and Mission Together.


We thought it would be fun to do this together and are hoping that our whole community will join us in this adventure.

Please fill in the promise below asap and send donations in by Monday 8th April.                                                 

 Thanks, Missio




Wear something Green

Children are invited to wear something green as we raise awareness and raise money for NSPCC. Many thanks to NSPCC lead Dannielle Boyce who led a Parent Drop In on Wednesday 23rd January.

Let’s Learn about TIME

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please could you help develop your child’s understanding of time. This is an important life skill. Telling the time on phones and during games is embedded into every day life.

May I suggest that all children should check clocks regularly and wear a watch?

Have a look at  the following adapted learning sequence,

an effective technique for learning to
read the analogue clock.

1. Begin with a clock which has only the hour hand and use approximate language: “It’s about 4 o’clock, “ It’s just past 11 o’clock”, “It’s
half way between… etc.

2. Discuss what happens to the minute hand as the hour hand moves around. E.g., On the hour = hour hand exactly on a number, half
way around = ?, a little past the hour = ?.

3.During the day, discuss the one-handed clock in approximate language and have children predict where the minute hand might

4. Teach time after the hour at 5-minute intervals by counting by five around the clock. Rather that predict the minute hand being on the 4 like
in step 3, have children say 20 minutes past. Highlight the importance to look at the hour hand first to see an approximate time then the
minute hand.

Mind your language
Another confusing aspect of time that teachers should be conscious of is the way language describes time. We will often say ‘back in a second’ or ‘wait a minute’in everyday conversation, which can confuse younger children.  We should also be referring to the ‘hour hand’ and ‘minute hand’ instead of the ‘big or little hand’, so as to link their function to the name.

Making Links in pupil Learning

During Whole School assemblies I am using this very useful tool to develop understanding of time.

It would be great if you had a go with your child!


Thank you Team St. Joseph’s

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Governors,

Thanks to everyone for all the positive support we have received in the run up to, and during Estyn Inspection.

The children are a credit to our school, our Parishes and of course to you! We look forward to building on the feedback received to help our children become more confident, capable and independent.

Missio Prayer Buddies

Missio Ambassadors have today been developing the prayer garden. The sun shone as we cleaned and  began to decorate the Chill out zone. Thanks to Mr Michael O’Brien who has given the area a fresh coat of paint. Today our Missio thought about friends in school for whom they would like to pray. Simple baubles were decorated and hung on the conifer trees.