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Author: Ms Beaumont

Croeso Mrs Sheila Isaacs Missio Coordinator England and Wales.


In this month of October the Extraordinary Month of Mission

We reflect on the Catholic Virtues GENEROUS and GRATEFUL

We welcomed to Saint Joseph’s Missio Coordinator for England and Wales Mrs Shiela Isaacs and Missio Leader for Menevia, our RE Link Governor Canon Paul. Children  had the opportunity to chat with Mrs Isaacs about projects we have been working on in school.

We are following the Pope’s plea to 

‘Go and create a world of brothers and sisters!’

Pope Francis

Building on Year 2’s Assembly message of Laudato Si we are working on the main themes of the Extraordinary month of Mission

-To encourage a deeper relationship with Jesus through prayer

-To be inspired by the actions of our saints, like St. Therese of Lisieux and missionaries like Bishop Giovani Cefai in Peru.

-To increase our support of overseas mission


During the visit our Missio Ambassadors presented Mrs Isaacs with a cheque for £127  to support the work of missions overseas.

Thanks to all our  families and the community of Saint Joseph’s for your continued  support.


Bilingual Parent Drop in ALN

Sesiynau Ymgynghori i Rieni

Ydych chi’n Rhiant/Ofalwr i blentyn ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol (ADY)?
Are you a Parent/Carer of a child with Additional Learning Needs (ALN)?

Mae Gwasanaeth Cynhwysiad CNPT yn cynnig cyfle i chi gwrdd ag aelodau o staff i drafod unrhyw bryderon sydd gennych Dydd Llun 21 Hydref 2019 rhwng 9am a 12pm yng:
NPT Inclusion Service is offering the opportunity for you to meet with staff members to discuss any concerns you may have on Monday 21st October 2019 between 9.00am – 12.00pm in:

Canolfan Gymunedol Castell-Nedd/ Neath Community Centre,
10-12 Stryd Orchard/ 10-12 Orchard St
Castell Nedd/ Neath
SA11 1DU

Os hoffech gadw lle ar gyfer ymgynghoriad e-bostiwch
If you would like to book a slot for consultation please email

*Os ydych am ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg yn y cyfarfod hwn, rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl ar y cyfeiriad e-bost uchod.

Come and See Autumn Term Update for Parents

Saint Joseph’s Catholic Infant School

RE themes Come and See

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),


This term we will be studying the three themes of Domestic Church (Family), Sacrament (Baptism and Confirmation -Belonging) and Christian Living  (Advent and Christmas -Loving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics. The children will also spend time studying Judaism.

Domestic church – family

Early Years         Myself – God knows and loves each one

Year 1                   Families – God’s love and care for every family

Year 2                   Beginnings – God is present in every beginning



Pupils will study various aspects of Judaism for one week. Ask them what they have been learning about

Suggestions for home activities

Make a collage using family photographs of all the significant family members—grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles etc. who show God’s love.

Write underneath it “We show God’s love to one another.Include those who have died.


Sacraments – Baptism and Confirmation – Belonging

 Early Years         welcome – Baptism: a welcome to God’s family

Year 1                   belonging – Baptism: an invitation to belong to God’s  family

Year 2                   signs and symbols – Signs and symbols in Baptism

Suggestions for home activities

Talk to someone who has been to a Baptism and/or Confirmation about their memories of this celebration.


Christian Living -Advent/Christmas – Loving

 Early Years         birthday – Looking forward to Jesus’ birthday

Year 1                   waiting – Advent: a time to look forward to Christmas

Year 2                   preparations – Advent: preparing to celebrate  Christmas

Suggestions for home activities

Discuss with the children how your family welcomes visitors to your home.

Find out about some Christian symbols for Advent e.g. Advent wreath, calendar, Jesse tree.

Use the CAFOD or Missio websites to get a religious Advent calendar.



Remember: Parents are the first educators. Together we can make a real difference.

Please make the effort to buy a children’s bible. We suggest one with beautiful engaging illustrations.

Please find time in our busy lives to reflect on the stories that Jesus told.


Come along and join in parish celebrations:  A warm welcome is extended to all our families to come along and join us to celebrate Mass every Sunday in St Joseph’s, Our Lady of Margam and Briton Ferry. Family Masses are celebrated usually on the 2nd Sunday of each month in St Joseph’s and half termly in Margam. During these special celebrations, children play a key role in the liturgy.

Sacramental Preparation begins in the Autumn Term for all parishes. Please contact Monsignor Joseph or Canon Paul for further information.





Today a reader, tomorrow a leader…

Reading is so important. In fact , it is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be.

Reading develops your brain, provides a window into the world around you and helps you do better in all school subjects.

Most importantly, reading can not only help you become a better student, but a better person. You can learn from the brightest people wherever and whenever you choose.

Books train your mind to imagine, to think big – Taylor Swift

To learn to read is to light a fire – Victor Hugo, Les Miserables

Enjoy our book celebrations.

Missio at work in our school

What does it mean to be a Missio School?

We are a Missio School. We have a team of Missio Ambassadors, their  job is to be the hands, feet and voice of Jesus in our school.

We have answered Pope Frances’ call to look after our world and support those who need our help. A very important part of this job is to pray for each other and pray for children all over the world.

Mums, Dads and Carers we need your help. You are the First Educators.

Please pray our Mission Together Pray at home:-

We pray

May all children

In the world

Share love

Share friendship and live

In the peace

Of God’s Love

Now and forever



Parents and Friends Meeting May 2019. What’s new?

Minutes for PTFA: 8th May 2019

Next meeting: Friday 7th June 2019 at 9:00 in Main School

Confirmed attendances for fete;

  • Surf School (Nick Thomas)
  • Theatre School (idea for them to run taster sessions for the children to take part throughout the afternoon).
  • Fire Services
  • Police



  • Mascots from local business/ bizzy bees (friends of the school) 1st refusal bring their mascots and to charge 50p for a photo.
  • Chloe found a business online which has rides and mascots free of charge for schools. (I will msg Chloe to find out if she has contacted them).
  • Leanne’s friend Danielle to do stall for bows & to approach Aberavon Quinns to see if interested in doing taster session.

All very positive so far.


Beach Walk:

PTFA meeting was called to arrange & plan the beach walk which was a great success from feedback I have received. Good turn out and lots of fun. Slight negative- Little confusion in regards to donation/sponsorship and perhaps food for thought for future things we organise.


Other ideas:-

Louise Griffiths (Secretary)has been made aware of a parent learning group which is running at another school (Central Primary). Theirs is mainly aimed at the early years (nursery/reception) they run a block of sessions to aid learning/teaching at home. It could be run quite informally by PTFA with perhaps one off “guests”. We could do tasters of jolly phonics so there would be opportunity for the adults to learn. Ideas of games to play…. ideas perhaps parents already do/ input from teachers also. There could be tea and coffee at the sessions and perhaps charge £2 a session with a drink & biscuit included. Perhaps run a block of 6-8 sessions. If it worked & there was demand other sessions could be run. Also if the sessions alternated the day….. there may be more chance of a wider catchment coming (granted parents may only attend one or two sessions that way but depending on numbers that may work out better).


Perhaps a family event which could take place early evening with a performer of some kind. Something that both children and adults would enjoy? Pay so much on the door or sell tickets with the usual drinks and snacks for sale and raffle.



1.We need to schedule the next PTFA in prep for the fete as that will be here before we know it.

2.Could reminders also be sent this Friday (tomorrow) in regards to book day as a lot of parents on our group had forgotten.


  • Kind Regards always
  • Louise Griffiths – Secretary for PTFA
  • Frankie Boucher’s Mum

Thank you for coming to share in our Easter Reflection

Congratulations to the whole school and especially the Year 2 teachers and children who led us to reflect on Jesus’ final days, his suffering and glorious resurrection.

One of our school targets is to improve our listening skills, we certainly saw excellent listening skills from nearly every single child during the Easter Service, in fact at times you could hear a pin drop!

Year 2 staff; Miss Wellington, Mrs Hines and Year 2 pupils rose to the challenge of leading us through the final days of Jesus’ life, accompanied by tremendous singing and acting from the rest of the school.

I certainly would not want to meet that angry mob on the streets of Port Talbot!

See pictures of our Dress Rehearsal below!


How can we get ready for Easter and help our sisters and brothers in Peru?

Pope Francis’ message this Lent:

Nobody, no situation and no place

is beyond God’s care 


Dear Mums and Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Staff, brothers and sisters,

Missio have met today and decided that during Lent we would like to do something different! Missio have suggested that together as a Catholic community we might:

  1. Give up or limit time on phones, i-pads, Play Stations?
  2. Find 5 minutes extra a day to pray to Jesus?
  3. Save pocket money and give to those in need?


Together we have decided to rise to the challenge of walking 10,000 steps a day during Lent. We would like everyone to join us ‘Doing something different’, getting fit and raising money for Missions in Peru (Father Giovanni) and Mission Together.


We thought it would be fun to do this together and are hoping that our whole community will join us in this adventure. Please fill in the promise below asap and send donations in by Monday 8th April.                                                  Thanks, Missio

Prayers of Thanksgiving

Year 2 have been working on prayers of Thanksgiving. Using a Eucharistic Prayer for inspiration they created their own prayers of Thanks giving.



Cian’s Prayer of Thanks

God our Father,

I praise you for my friends and family for their love and friendship.

I praise you for school and parish and for the help and light that shine upon us.

We know that you are good and hold us in the palm of your hands.

What is our Easter Service all about?






Following Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday we move into the 40 days of Lent. The season of Lent reminds us of Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and prayer in the wilderness, where he grew stronger through resisting various temptations.

The more we become familiar with the Word of God, the more we can become strengthened.

Lent is a ‘powerful’ season, a turning point that can foster change in each of us.

Let us deny ourselves something every day to help others.’

Pope Francis




To help children understand the Easter story, every year we present our version of Jesus’ last days, his death and resurrection. Last year we performed this outside in the open air. Please join us this year, as Year 2, helped by Reception and Year 1, present St Joseph’s Easter Service on the last Tuesday of term at 1:30 PM in St Joseph’s Church.