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Author: Ms Beaumont




Dear Parent / Carer

Following advice from Welsh Government and Neath Port Talbot Local Authority, schools are to be closed to all pupils for 2 days immediately after the Christmas break to assess staffing levels and prepare for the new term in light of ongoing concerns surrounding COVID 19. As such St Joseph’s Infants will be closed for all pupils on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th January. All pupils will return to school on Wednesday 6th January following the same arrangements as was carried out in the Autumn Term.

N.B. If there is a change in this date we will inform you on the 4th January. However, the school will still be open to vulnerable learners and children of critical workers on Wednesday January 6th and we emphasize that it is important for them to attend.

Please be alert for symptoms of COVID-19 in your child. If your child develops any of these symptoms, even if they are mild.

  • Inform Saint Joseph’s Infant School (text URGENT) that they are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms and that you have requested a test




  • Your child should remain in self-isolation
  • All other household members should isolate for 10 days from when your child developed symptoms
  • Do not visit a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital but if you require medical advice please contact NHS 111 or telephone your GP; if there is a medical emergency phone 999
  • If you require medical advice for COVID-19 symptoms or another reason, please inform the healthcare worker that your child is a contact of a case of COVID-19 and in self-isolation
  • Please follow the advice provided when your child receives their test result


Further formation on Test, Trace, Protect can be found here

Further information on symptoms and self-isolation can be found here

For general information on COVID-19

The COVID-19 online symptom checker can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do


With best wishes,

Ms. J. Beaumont – Headteacher

Corporate Risk Assessment adapted for Saint Joseph’s Infant School



The guidance document “Neath Port Talbot Check In, Catch Up and Prepare for Summer and September Arrangements and Operational guidance for schools and settings from the autumn term” should be utilised when completing your risk assessment.




Activity being assessed:  Back to school recovery for the Autumn Term 2020


Risk assessment reference number: 1

Risk assessment created on: July 2020

Reviewed : 3rd September 2020

Reviewed : 5th November 2020

Reviewed : 9th November 2020


Persons undertaking or affected by the activity
  Employees Contractor Public Service User Other    
Hazard Control measure Likelihood

1. Very Unlikely
2. Unlikely
3. Likely
4. Very Likely
5. Certainty



1. Negligible
2. Minor
3. Medical Treatment
4. Major
5. Fatal

Risk Level

Likelihood x Severity =  Risk Level

Spread of COVID-19 General


·       All relevant statutory building checks have been undertaken prior to staff being allowed to re-enter buildings.

·       Special consideration must be given to whether employees who are considered to be in a higher risk category which make them more susceptible to Covid-19 as per Public Health Guidance should be permitted to come into work.

Important: For employees who are vulnerable and/or are Black and Minority Ethnic and are therefore considered to be in a higher risk category which make them more susceptible to Covid-19 and are concerned about returning to the workplace, a risk assessment tool has been developed by the Welsh Government which they can complete and share with their Manager.  This can then be used as an aide in discussions with the employee to understand any concerns with returning to the workplace and to ensure appropriate control measures can be put in place for the employee to return to a safe environment.

The risk assessment tool can be accessed here

·       All persons that are contacted via “Test, Trace, Protect” need to adhere to the guidance given.


Symptoms of Covid-19/ Symptomatic person


·       All staff and volunteers are to be made aware of the symptoms of COVID-19 and watch for those symptoms in themselves and others – stay alert. Look for Flu like symptoms – high temperature, new constant coughing bouts and/or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste.

·       If any person/visitor/pupil is suspected of suffering symptoms they should be sent home immediately, or if this is not possible they should be isolated in a separate room (supervised as necessary) until they can be collected. Each school must ensure they have up to date contact details for parent/guardians. Person/visitor/pupil should self-isolate according to the guidance produced by Public Health Wales, and or NHS direct.

·       Social distancing from the infected person must be exercised wherever possible to prevent the spread of the infection. Where this is not possible, the appropriate PPE must be worn. Please refer to PPE section of this risk assessment.

·       An alternative exit route from the premises has been identified in order to ensure all other primary routes are not potentially contaminated.

·       Personal hygiene after contact with the symptomatic person must be exercised to ensure that the spread of the infection is controlled.

·       All areas where a symptomatic person has entered are segregated until a deep clean (level 2) is carried out.  If it’s a classroom, the children can be moved to GF03 (reception classroom).

·        AMS cleaning must be notified so they can arrange a deep clean (Level 2) to the affected areas.

·      A designated area in the storage section of the blue container has been identified where double –bagged contaminated waste can be stored for 72 hours until it can be disposed of safely with the normal waste. The bags will be labelled with the date to ensure correct disposal.

·       The equipment that the pupil/employee has been in contact with must be withdrawn from circulation and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being allowed back into circulation.


Access and Egress


·       Gatherings in the school playground will be discouraged.

·       Ensure there is an appropriate queuing system on entry and exit from the school premises.  A member of staff will on duty to remind parents to maintain a social distance. Staff to advise all persons in the queue to maintain a social distance whilst waiting to drop children off at the school gate. Markers going to be placed at 2m gaps. There will be staggered school start and finish times for different cohorts of pupils.

·       All parents and guardians of children are advised at drop off to ensure that their children are not symptomatic; if so then entry into the premises will be denied. This has been communicated via letter, school website, Seesaw, Teacher to Parent text and signage.

·       Upon entry, each pupil will be required to wash their hands. Each class will use the sink in their classroom Sanitising stations will be available at all entry points. Due to the high alcohol content, the hand sanitiser should be appropriate secured (e.g. wall mounted), if this is not possible it will need to be appropriately supervised to prevent accidental ingestion by pupils. Hand sanitiser with high alcohol content should not be placed in direct sunlight, or near any heat source, as it is highly flammable. There is an up-to-date COSHH assessment available at site.


Social Distancing


·        Social distancing must be maintained at all times wherever possible to reduce the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus.  This includes movement around school, staffrooms, children in classrooms, office staff, bursar, caretaker, etc.? Refer to “Neath Port Talbot check in, catch up and prepare for summer and September arrangements” and “Managing Movement around schools” documents.

·        Each area of the school will be assessed prior to use, to ensure it is suitable to facilitate social distancing (e.g. number of pupils/staff/desks per classroom etc).

·        Due to the size of some corridors within the building, it will sometimes be difficult to keep a distance of 2m when passing another employee.  In order to reduce this problem and to limit the amount of time employees are in contact with each other, employees should not congregate or have discussions in corridors.

·        Where possible non-contact activities should take place when children are in the activity area(s).

·        Weekly rota for class play zones, in place to avoid activities that may encourage close contact at frequent intervals between bubbles. Play equipment must be used weekly  by one bubble wherever possible

·        Try not to conduct team building type exercises where close proximity is required.

·        Careful consideration must be given for any employee/pupil requiring a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) to return to work.

·       In order to avoid the use of shared fridges and taps in staffrooms staff are encouraged to bring in their own food and drink in cool bags.  Personal flasks could be brought in by employees for hot refreshments, again reducing the need to use communal facilities.

·       The staff room has been assessed and only 4 staff are allowed at any one time. Staff can use the dining hall as an extra staff room and only 10 staff are allowed at any one time.

·       Yr 2, Yr 1 staff and HT can used the tea making facilities in the head teacher’s office and the fridge in the corridor to store milk. Yr R/1 staff can use the tea making facilities in the staff room and the staff room fridge to store milk. Nursery staff can use the tea making facilities in the nursery building and the nursery fridge to store milk.  Staff should wash hands thoroughly after touching communal equipment and the kettle, fridge and all surfaces should be wiped down after use.

·       No sweets/snacks to be brought into work for sharing between staff.

·       Only the school clerk should use the second door to enter her office.  All staff using the photocopier should enter using the first door. Staff should ensure that they sanitise their hands before using the photocopier. Please be mindful to keep a 2m distance at all times – there will be signage to remind everyone. Use of shared printers/photocopiers to be kept to a minimum.  Only one person at a time should be within the printing/photocopying area.


Cleaning and Hygiene


·       Increased hygiene procedure that will be undertaken throughout the by the teaching assistants will include frequently wiping down of high-touch areas will throughout the day.  High-touch areas include bathrooms/ toilets – door handles, taps ect. (not the toilet bowls), tables/ desks /chairs, toys, equipment, door handles, sinks, light switches, etc.  Disposable gloves and disposable aprons should be worn when cleaning is taking place.

·       Cleaning will take place on the Principle of “Teach Germs a lesson” by using the school cleaning colour coded system. All TAs in the school received this training in July 2020 (Bodily Fluids Training NPT.)

·       SCREEN will be made up daily and to the correct dilution rates.  Any unused product will be disposed of at the end of the day.  An up-to-date COSHH assessment must be available at site.

·      All potentially contaminated waste will be placed into a black bag, sealed and placed inside a second black bag and stored in the storage section of the blue container away from all other waste until 72 hours has passed when it will be disposed of in the normal manner.

·       All children and adults, including staff must wash/sanitise their hands on entry into the premises.

·       Soap, running water and hand drying facilities are available in every toilet and in each classroom that has a sink.

·       Hand washing must take place at regular intervals during the day. Signage will be placed in toilets, sinks, etc. to remind pupils/staff to wash for at least 20 seconds.  Staff/pupils will be reminded of good handwashing techniques.

·       Stocks of hand sanitiser on the premises must be monitored at regular intervals to ensure that stocks do not run out. Request / replace stocks when they are running low, not when they have run out.

·       Hand sanitiser must be stored away from ignition sources such as, sunlight, heat, open flames, hot surfaces, sparks, etc.  It must be stored in a cool place.

·       If stocks of hand sanitiser have run out, ensure there is adequate hand soap and running water that can be used instead.

·      Have hand wipes available to use as a last resort.

·      A supply of disposable tissues will be available in each classroom.  These are to be monitored and replenished regularly.  Separate bins for the tissues should be available in each classroom and other key locations around the site.  The contents should be emptied daily.

·      Pupils will be shown how to catch a sneeze or cough using their elbow or a tissue and reminded to then wash their hands.



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

·       When using PPE hands must be washed both before and after use.

·       Staff who will be required to use PPE will be provided with information on how to don and doff it correctly. Information poster to be provided to schools


Routine activities

  • No PPE is required when undertaking routine educational activities in classroom or school settings.

General clean of premises

  • Disposable gloves and disposable aprons must be worn.


Suspected coronavirus (COVID-19)

  • Gloves, aprons and a fluid-resistant surgical mask should be worn if a child or young person becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 and needs direct personal care.
  • Eye protection should also be worn if a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes such as from coughing, spitting, or vomiting.
  • A Level 2 clean must take place when cleaning the areas where a person suspected of having COVID-19 has been.  The risk assessment identifies the PPE required when undertaking this activity as being disposable gloves, disposable apron, FR(IIR)SM and goggles.

Intimate care including administering first aid

  • Gloves and aprons should be used when providing intimate care to a child or young person. This can include personal, hands-on care such as washing, toileting, or first aid and certain clinical procedures such as assisted feeding.
  • Fluid-resistant surgical mask and eye protection should also be worn if a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes such as from coughing, spitting, or vomiting.
  • Gloves, fluid repellent gown, FFP3 mask and eye protection are indicated when undertaking aerosol generating procedures such as suction.
  • Gloves and aprons should be used when cleaning equipment or surfaces that might be contaminated with body fluids such as saliva or respiratory secretions.


Movement around/use of premises


·       All rooms have windows that can be opened.  Windows will be opened by the caretaker before the start of the school day.  The classroom staff can close the windows if the temperature becomes too low but all windows and doors will be opened at playtimes, lunch time and whenever the children are outside the classroom.

·       Staff/pupils to be reminded to follow the one-way systems in place.

·       Fans are not to be used.

·       Play equipment / toys that require high levels of shared use (lego, plastercene, building blocks sand play pits) etc. are not to be used.

·       Most soft furnishings/ toys will be removed as these are more difficult to clean/ sanitise.

·       Shared equipment such a trikes / bike or other ride on toys, are timetabled weekly and are used by a single bubble per week

·       Activities that require physical contact should not be conducted.

·      Gym mats etc. that encourage shared use should not be used.

·       Movement around the school will be kept as low as practicable to minimise the risk of cross contamination in the school environment, and eliminate the need for a deep clean between classes.

·       The handling of cash should be discouraged.

·       Water dispensers can be used.




·        Face to face interaction should be reduced as much as possible. If a visit/meeting/work can be done via telephone/skype/teams etc. then this should be considered as the safest method. Otherwise consideration must be given to whether a 2m distance is achievable.

·        Avoid non-essential travel around the building e.g. If you need to speak with someone in another part of the building, use the telephone, skype, ‘teams’ etc. to communicate with them.

·        All meeting rooms will be kept locked and if needed to be used must be booked the school office.  This way arrangements can be made to ensure that the room is cleaned following its use.

·        If meetings are necessary, the room should be assessed to determine how many people are permitted to enter meeting rooms whilst maintaining social distancing. If the room has windows these should be opened to improve ventilation.


Mental Health and Wellbeing


·       Management will promote mental health & wellbeing awareness to staff during the Coronavirus outbreak and will offer whatever support they can to help.

·       Health and Wellbeing during COVID-19 information is available via the home screen on the NPTCC intranet, which provides a wide variety of useful tools such as contact information for support services, online stress control classes etc.


Emergency procedures such as fire, first aid


·        The emergency evacuation procedure has been reviewed and communicate to staff/pupils.  Fire drills will take place to ensure good practice.

·        Ensure there are sufficient numbers of appropriately trained first aiders available.  They should follow the training they have received and use PPE as detailed previously.  Only deliver CPR by chest compressions and use a defibrillator (if available) don’t do rescue breaths.  Practice good hygiene by washing/sanitising hands before and after administering first aid.





2 3 6
Personal Protective Equipment


Aprons must be worn


Eye Protection must be worn Head Protection must be worn Safety Harness must be worn Ear Protection must be worn Safety overalls must be worn Safety boots must be worn Respiratory equipment must be worn Hi Viz clothing must be worn Protective

gloves must

be worn


Face Protection must be worn ____________________________________________________________________


Additional risk information
In the event of an incident/accident, please contact your nearest first aider.

All incidents/accidents must be recorded on NPT’s Online Accident Reporting System.

Suitable information, instruction and training on how to use, store and maintain Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) correctly to be provided.

All staff to have regard for their and others health and safety at all times.



Please identify how this risk assessment has been communicated
Team brief / Team meeting
One to one
Other (please specify:



Emergency Procedures
Contact name: Julie Beaumont Rees
Contact number: 01639 882579
Contact number (out of hours):
Hospital: Neath Port Talbot/ Morriston/Singleton
Emergency Services




Julie Beaumont Rees








Risk assessments must be reviewed as a result of change in working practices / legislation or following an incident / accident
Reviews  Key  
Review date :


Likelihood Severity Likelihood of Injury 5 5Y 10R 15 20 25
Reviewed by:


1.      Very Unlikely – This will probably never happen/occur

2.      Unlikely – Do not expect it to happen/recur but it is possible it may do so

3.      Likely – Might happen or recur occasionally

4.      Very Likely – Will probably happen/recur, but it is not a persisting issue/circumstance

5.      Certainty – Will undoubtedly happen/recur, possibly frequently


1.      Negligible – Minor injuries or discomfort. No medical treatment or measurable physical effects.

2.      Minor – Injuries or illness requiring on site first aid. Temporary impairment.

3.      Medical Treatment – Injuries or illness requiring hospital treatment.

4.      Major – Injury or illness resulting in permanent impairment.

5.      Fatal – Fatality.



4 4 8 12 16 20
Review date :


3 3 6G 9 12 15
Reviewed by:


2 2 4 6Y 8 10Y
Review date :


1 1 2 3 4 5G
Reviewed by:


0 1 2 3 4 5
Review date :


Severity of Injury
Reviewed by: Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk


Covid-19 Recovery Plan and Risk assessment



Saint Joseph’s Catholic Infant School

Recovery Plan and Risk Assessment Version 3 for November 2020



Recovery Plan

Appendix 1 Keep Education Safe- Operational Guidance for School Settings

Appendix 2 Neath Port Talbot Check in, Catch Up and Prepare for Summer and September Arrangements

Appendix 3 School Risk Assessments for reducing the risk of Covid-19

Appendix 4 Operational guidance for schools and settings from autumn term

Appendix 5 Managing Movement Around Schools

Appendix 6 PPE Information Poster

Appendix 7 Disease Outbreak Plan for Wales (2020) Public Health Wales

Appendix 8 CIBSE COVID -19 Ventilation Guidance



Saint Joseph’s Catholic Infant School

Recovery Plan and Risk Assessment Version 3 for November 2020

This recovery plan has been developed in line with the guidance provided by the Welsh Government document, ‘Keep Education Safe (Operational Guidance for Schools and settings (Covid-19)’ (See Appendix 1)


Guidance provided by NPT Council, ‘Neath Port Talbot Check in, Catch Up and Prepare for Summer and September Arrangements’ has also supported the development of the plan. (See Appendix 2)

This plan should be read in conjunction with the school’s risk assessments for reducing the risk of Covid-19. (See Appendix 3) and Operational guidance for schools and settings from the autumn term (See Appendix 4), Managing Movement Around School (see Appendix 5), PPE Information Poster (see Appendix 6), Disease Outbreak Plan for Wales (2020) Public Heralth Wales (see Appendix 7) and 8 CIBSE COVID -19 Ventilation Guidance (see Appendix 8).

Our aims and decision making will be guided by two clear questions:

  1. What is the best support that we can provide for our school community?
  2. How do we ensure the highest standards of safety?

As we move forwards these simple questions will guide and inform all our decision making. We will not implement any plan unless we are convinced that it is the right thing to do and we can do it safely.



This plan has been developed using the following 5 key principles set out by the Education Minister:

  1. The safety and mental, emotional and physical well-being of staff and students
  2. Continuing contribution to the national effort and strategy to fight the spread of COVID- 19
  3. Having the confidence of parents, staff and students – based on evidence and information – so that they can plan ahead
  4. Ability to prioritise learners at key points, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds
  5. Consistency with the Welsh Government’s framework for decision making, to have guidance in place to support measures such as distancing, managing attendance and wider protective actions.


Overarching Guidance for leaders and governors.

  1. Principles outlined above must be evident in all decision making. Our overall aim is to ensure that our decision making is calm and informed.
  2. We will be decisive in our decision making. Our community must expect us to respond clearly and with urgency to any safety issues raised.
  3. Senior leaders and governors must consider all the advice made available to them. Includes updated guidance for schools from Welsh Government.
  4. Excellent communication must be evident throughout the planning and implementation of our safety plans. We will work with all teams of staff and welcome input from trade associations, pupils and parents. We will share advice that informs our decision making.
  5. We will open and transparent at all times.


Recovery Plan and Risk Assessment for 3rd Phase of School Re-Opening November 2020


This plan will aim to ensure that we safeguard our community by:

  • Always being alert to risk
  • Reducing risk through effective organisation and controls.
  • Reducing transmission risk by limiting interactions within the school community.

Simple plan is:

  • Our classes will be put into 6 groups. They will spend their school day in their pod with a nominated teacher. They will see other children and staff but they will live and learn in their pod. Pod will be a ‘safety bubble’ approach.
  • Their pod will have allocated staff for teaching and lunchtime supervision. This will reduce the possibility of contraction and transmission.
  • In their pod, everybody will apply the best standards of care that we can.
  • We will follow a rigorous cleaning routine.
  • We have a simple model with four clear messages that our children can apply.

Stay Clean. We wash our hands regularly and use the hand sanitisers provided.

Be Hygienic:

  • put tissues in bin.
  • keep hands off each other and your face
  • cough into sleeve or tissue etc.
  1. Keep a Safe Distance
  2. Ventilate


In all education, childcare and social care settings, preventing the spread of coronavirus involves dealing with direct transmission (for instance, when in close contact with those sneezing and coughing) and indirect transmission (via touching contaminated surfaces). A range of approaches and actions must be employed to control transmissions.

These can be seen as a hierarchy of controls that, when implemented, creates an inherently safer system, where the risk of transmission of infection is substantially reduced. These include:

1) Prevention- Minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend schools. They should remain at home and self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 TEST. Those showing symptoms in school, should be in a separate room, supervised at a distance of 2 metres where possible until collected.


In yard. Children will line up keeping 2 m distance between class bubbles and collected by Teacher/ Teaching Assistant and accompanied to class.

Start time will be staggered for Year/Class Groups.

End of Day – Y2 Children will be released from front ramp to -parents who will be asked to wait, keeping socially distant in the yard between the main gate and the entrance to the school. Y1 (Mrs Turner’s Class) children will be released from the ramp exit 10 minutes later.

Release at end of Day – will be staggered.

Lunchtimes – will be staggered and food eaten in classrooms, tables to be cleaned before and after lunch, or eaten outside if weather permits.


Organisation of School Day


Staggered Approach

We will as far as possible keep them in their class bubbles. To do this we will stagger the start, lunch, end of the school day.


Class Arrival AM Break Lunch PM Break Pick Up
Y2 AW 8:45 10:15-10:30 11:55-12:25

(Dinner Ladies 11:40-12:40)

1:30-1:45 2:45
Y1 ST 8:55 2:55
Y1/R JJ 8:55 9:45-10:00 11:35-12:05

(Dinner Ladies 11:20-12:20)

Reception EM/KT 8:55 2:55
Nursery AM 9:00 11:30
Nursery PM 12:15 2:45


*For those children with siblings we will be flexible

Minimising Adult Interaction

We will stagger entrance and leaving times to the school to promote essential adult social distancing.

Drop off to both sides of  yard. (Only exception to this will be if a child is ill). They will then be collected by a Class Teacher/ Teaching Assistant.

At the end of the day Year 2 (then 10  mins later Y1/ Mrs Turner) pupils will be released from the side ramp to the front of the school. Reception and Year 1 pupils from the main playground.


Simple Guidance Principles for Staff

  1. Do not come to work if you have coronavirus symptoms or go home as soon as these develop (informing your line-manager) and access a test as soon as possible. If you are unwell and able to do this, we can assist. If you are very unwell seek medical support as soon as possible through NHS 111.
  2. If somebody in your house has symptoms, you must not come to work and arrange to have tests.
  3. Make your well-being a priority. Through the staff Teams page we have highlighted the range of well-being services and support that we can offer.
  4. Practise really good hygiene. You have soap and cleaning materials in your classroom. We have also provided wipes for keyboards, phones etc.
  • Clean your hands and wrists more often than usual – with running water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered. Must use sanitiser or wash your hands on entry to the building and when you leave.
  • Use the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces often using standard products.
  • Open windows to ensure improved ventilation


  1. Think about ways to modify your teaching approach to keep a distance from children in your class as much as possible. Avoid close face to face support (noting that it’s understood that this is not possible at all times, which is why hygiene and hand cleaning is so important). Staff should try and maintain a standing distance and communicate from ‘side on’ position when possible.


  1. Ensure that cleanliness and hygiene is excellent in your pod. Ensure that our children practise our 3 simple steps.


  1. Try and maximise ventilation. Keep your classroom door and windows open if possible, for air flow (Appendix 8).


  1. Teach outdoors when you can and maintain social distancing in these spaces.


  1. Model social distancing. Staff must demonstrate this. Limit your contact with other staff members, and don’t congregate in shared spaces, especially if they are small rooms. No more than 6 members of staff in the staffroom. A second staff area to be set up in Dining Hall, no more than 10 at a time.


Saint Joseph’s Infant School Recovery Plan Checklist


What needs to happen? Before returning On return Ongoing Actions needed and who is doing it Completed
SLT and governors should ensure transparency in relation to guidance. Follow and recheck the appropriate government Covid guidance and updates on all issues.

Produce plan, share with governors and sign-off plan


· · ·         WG guidance is checked daily.

·         New information will be shared with staff and Governors

·         Risk assessment will be continually updated. It is a working document.



Updated daily

Risk assessments need to be carried out as required and adapted:

·         COVID19 Secure Risk Assessment

·         Classroom Risk Assessment

·         Vulnerable Staff Risk Assessment

·         Cleaning

· · SLT/ Bursar/ Teachers review/ carry out RA To be completed by Friday 29th June. Reviewed Sept 2020.Reviewed Oct 2020. Reviewed 9th November 2020.


 Staff, Governors and Wider Community


Checklist Before returning On return Ongoing Actions needed/ thoughts Completed
Plan for the phased return of pupils. Organisation (classroom, staffing, year groups, pods, siblings, etc.) ü        
Ensure strategic and wellbeing meetings are held with all staff.

Make time for all staff to talk to senior leaders about their personal situation if required:

·         Thoughts on returning, fears, concerns about returning,

·         what will be easy to accomplish, what will be hard,

·         fatigue (Staff have continued to work),

·         changes in circumstance, retirement, pregnancy, bereavement.

·         additional worries about members of their family and friends.

·         Remind them of any internal support plan/system that is in place

·         Discuss ability to return to work.

· · · ·         Team meetings continue via Microsoft Teams.

·         SLT ensure meetings with staff  and regular contact

·         Maintain focus on signposting to essential well-being services.

·         Well-Being services highlighted in staff update on Teams.


All staff consulted

By Tuesday 1st September 2020.

Check with latest WG guidance Identify staff who can’t return to school at this point those with shielding letters or those who have been identified as high Risk in the All Wales Covid 19 Workforce Risk assessment Tool and consider if they can work from home. · · ·         SLT review staffing weekly.

·         Checked on self-declarations and current screening advice.

·         HT contacted all staff on 25th May.

·         Seeking advice from LA on security/clarity for different groups of staff shielding.

Completed before staffing rotas compiled.
Consider options if necessary staffing levels can’t be maintained (including school leaders and key staff like designated safeguarding leads and first aid providers). · · ·         Have ‘stand-by’ staff and protocol for support for a pod if required. Staffing rotas planned and agreed by Wednesday 3rd September 2020


Staff, Governors and Wider Community


Checklist Before returning On return Ongoing Actions needed/ thoughts Completed

A record of all visitors- discuss need to include mobile number/email

Set up School Internal Covid Tracking to ensure safe return to school for those isolating/ Positive result

· · · JBR/CJ review existing system
Review SEN – learners with special educational needs. Specific help for the changes in routine, plan for changes eg. Social stories (JBE/CL/JJ) HB- Social story?


Management of Confirmed cases of COVID-19 – Follow Positive COVID 19 Case Protocol Version 4 30th October 2020


Cluster- is defined as 2 or more cases among learners or staff within 14 days or an increased rate of absence due to suspected or confirmed cases of COVBID –19


A potential incident is defined as two or more confirmed cases of COVID –19 among learners or staff who are direct close contacts, proximity contacts or in the same “contact group*” in the school, within 14 days. * same class


· See Disease Outbreak Plan for Wales (2020)


Wellbeing of Head teacher, staff and SLT safeguarded. · · ·          Regular meetings.

·         Signposting to services.

·         Regular contact with CoG and HT.


Reassure and consult with staff about expectations for planning on return to work · · · ·         Expectations around how to plan for the class- See resources from ED P

·         Tuesday and Wednesday will be Preparation for return of whole school

·         Lunch Time supervisors informed of return to work, they will be allocated to one pod

Ensure all teams have accessed training for new ways of working. Includes:

e.g. Catering team and safety protocols.

Cleaning staff and use of PPE/safe working practice

Health and Safety management for SLT

Briefings led with staff on ‘safer’ teaching practices.

· · · ·         SLT lead all teams and arrange training. Checked by HT on 22nd June. Completed by 22nd June
Letter to Parents


· · ·         Shared on web/ Teacher to Parents August 2020

Update September 1st 2020.October Update. November Update.

The risk assessments and recovery plan will be monitored and reviewed on a weekly basis.




Appendix 1 Keep Education Safe- Operational Guidance for School Settings

Appendix 2 Neath Port Talbot Check in, Catch Up and Prepare for Summer and September Arrangements

Appendix 3 School Risk Assessments for reducing the risk of Covid-19

Appendix 4 Operational Guidance for schools and settings from the autumn term

Appendix 5 Managing Movement Around Schools

Appendix 6 PPE Information Poster

Appendix 7 Disease Outbreak Plan for Wales (2020) Public Heralth Wales

Appendix 8 CIBSE COVID -19 Ventilation Guidance







Saint Joseph’s Infant School PDG Statement

Saint Joseph’s Infant School PDG Statement



The Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low-income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals

(e-FSM) and pupils who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (LAC).

Schools are expected to make the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about changes for learners eligible for frees school meals or who are LAC.

As a school we have agreed the following three steps:


  1. To identify the target group of pupils, its characteristics and needs
  2. To plan interventions which make the most effective use of resources
  3. To monitor and evaluate the impact of resources


2020 -21 Saint Joseph’s Infant School has been provided with a PDG (35 children) allocation of £26,450


At Saint Joseph’s we have a comprehensive plan, agreed and monitored by Neath Port Talbot Local Authority and ERW, to promote progress and remove barriers to learning for students eligible for this funding.


We are using the funding available to implement:

  • Wellcomm (Nursery)
  • Nursery POPAT
  • Speechlink
  • Languagelink
  • Foundation Phase POPAT
  • Relationship Bases Play/ELSA


Saint Joseph’s Infant School PDG Statement




Saint Joseph’s Infant School PDG Spending Plan


Pupil Deprivation Grant Staff Timescale Cost
Pupil Deprivation Grant = £26,450

(35 pupils)

•      Small Intervention Groups

Listening Groups, Speech Link / Wellcom follow on activities, POPAT

27.5hrs per week@ TA L2


15hrs per week@TA L3



April 2020- March 2021 £16,295




Education Improvement Grant Staff Timescale Cost
EI Grant = £6,208
Staff cover for Courses, cluster meetings, area leader release days,

Performance Management, monitoring

Come and See Curriculum Overview -Our Religious Education Progrramme


Come and See

The Diocesan recommended scheme was introduced in September 2013 and is now firmly embedded.

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Nursery/ Reception Nursery/ Reception


Nursery/ Reception








Good News


Our World


Year 1 Year 1


Year 1
Year 1




Special People




Holidays and Holy Days

Being Sorry


Year 2


Year 2


Year 2



Signs and Symbols





Spread the word






During the Summer term 2013, the school received its Section 50 Religious Education (RE) Inspection.  The inspection focussed on three main areas; pupil outcomes, provision and leadership and management. The Inspection Team found all three judgements for the three Key Questions to be good. The recommendations of the Section 50 Inspection have been addressed. School was anticipating welcoming RE Inspection in the Autumn Term 2019, however, due to National Lockdown this has not taken place.


The Childcare Offer for Wales

The Childcare Offer Neath Port Talbot


Do you work 16 hours or more a week?

Is your child 3 or 4 years old?

If so, you may be eligible for up to 17.5 hours
of childcare funding per week.
For more information about the Childcare Offer and how to apply,
contact Neath Port Talbot Council’s Childcare Offer Team on:
01639 873018


Please clink on link below for more information:

CCO Flyer

Update from Director of Education Aled Evans

Dear Parents,

To help keep everyone safe KEY  messages include –

  • Please DO NOT congregate in or  around the school premises.
  • NEW REQUEST – we request that all adults wear face coverings in the lanes, on the school yard.
  • We request that only ONE adult per family for drop off and pick up

The letter goes on…

We would emphasise strongly that hand washing, surface cleaning and social distancing
remain the most effective and beneficial ways of protecting yourself, your family, your
friends and your community.
We request that parents / carers avoid congregating around school settings and to observe
the school’s advice regarding children’s dropping off and picking up arrangements.
Furthermore, we expect parents / carers and other visitors to wear face coverings on the
school site (whether entering the building or otherwise), including at drop-off and pick-up
Christmas remains an important part of a school’s calendar and we wish to make every
effort to ensure that it is celebrated in as normal a way as possible. We all have a
responsibility to take actions now that should impact positively on children and young
people’s experiences over the coming months. ease click in link to letter from Head of Services NPT.

Please click on the link to read full letter.

Letter Parents 091120

A guide for parents/carers – what to do if your child needs to self-isolate


A guide for parents/carers – what to do if your child needs to self-isolate

If your child has been told to self-isolate by the Test, Trace, Protect (TTP) service or the school on behalf of TTP, you must ensure they stay at home
for 14 days (the start of the 14 day period will be on the advice of the TTP team).


Self-isolation means staying at home.
• Your child must not leave the house, go to school, mix with other children or with adults from outside their household.
• By ensuring your child self-isolates, even if they don’t have symptoms, you are helping to reduce the spread of coronavirus and protecting others.


While your child is self-isolating
• Support your child with remote education provided by school.


• Monitor your child’s symptoms. Request a test as soon as possible if they begin to show any COVID-19 symptoms:
A NEW CONTINUOUS COUGH – coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24hrs.
a HIGH TEMPERATURE – their chest or back feel hot to touch.
– they cannot smell or taste anything, or their sense of smell or taste is different to normal.
Other household members don’t need to self-isolate.


Your child will be told to self-isolate if they have been in close contact with someone
who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means they are at increased risk of catching the disease and passing it on to


Other household members don’t need to self-isolate.
• Your child will be told to self-isolate if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. This means they are at increased risk of catching the disease and passing it on to others.
• They do not need a test unless they develop any COVID-19 symptoms.

After your child has completed the 14 days of self-isolation without
any COVID-19 symptoms, they can return to school.