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Author: Ms Beaumont

Welcome Back! Be still and know we are with you.


Dear Parents and Carers and children,

Croeso! Welcome back to school. Let us hope that we will be

able to continue to provide face – to – face teaching for the rest

of the academic year. The future is bright!

Our primary focus for all children is Wellbeing.

  • Spiritual and mental
  • Social
  • Physical

This has been an extra-ordinary time. We all have formed new attachments, children and parents. Yes, we know children need to feel happy and safe before they can begin to learn. Back to school in February has been easy for some, but very tricky for others. We are all different and unique.

Please work with us to reinforce a smooth transition back.

Early to bed – please could we ask that as far as possible you reinforce an early to bed routine and remember to embed night-time prayers? (We’ll send some simple prayers)

Social Story – if your child is still a little anxious about coming to school, try to help them to be well  prepared. Leave for school in plenty of time. Beforehand, run through the morning gate routine, so they understand and are prepared for the next step. Know that we will contact you, should your child continue to be upset in school.

Family Bubbles – please can you keep family bubbles outside school. Keep risk of transmission to a minimum.

Healthy Diet and Exercise This term we are really trying to boost wellbeing by getting fit and healthy. In school we will be increasing our physical exercise. More information to follow from Mrs O’Leary. At home we would invite you as a family to sign up the Fitness challenge. Maybe take a look at The Amazing School Run – Get your kids signed up to this Free Run Challenge.Reply-To: FixEvents <>

Make some time for reading, to have peace, make some time to think Now more than ever it is really important to find 10 minutes to read quietly together, put away ipads and TV, spend some time sharing a book, don’t forget illustrated Bibles and then say a Night Prayer.


Events coming Up:

St Patrick’s Feast Day Wednesday March 17th

Children are invited to wear green / or another bright colour. Can I remind you that we are ventilating rooms, windows and doors open as often as possible. Please ensure clothes are warm and shoes are sensible.

At Joseph’s Feast Day March 19th

Wear red for St Joseph- it could be a welsh jersey. Again please ensure that clothes are warm and footwear suitable.

Easter Raffle – 5 Easter Hampers- one per class.

We will be holding a class raffle, reusing gifts sent in at Christmas. If you have already sent in money to buy tickets (for the Christmas Raffle) then you will be automatically entered into the Easter draw. Raffle tickets are available from Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants once children have been dismissed at the end of the day.

Working Together

Thank you for working with us as we embed school routines. Every day there are small steps towards returning to the rhythm of normal school life. Please continue to support school in a staggered start to the school day. If family members are dropping, please share Class the start time with them.

Class Start Time End of Day
Miss Wellington Year 2 8:45 2:45
Mrs Turner/ Mrs James 8:50 2:50
Mrs Mapp/ Mrs Torrance 8:55 2:55
Nursery – Morning 9:00 11:30
Nursery – Afternoon 12:30 3:00


Should your child present with any Covid-19 symptoms, play safe, please keep them at home and book a test. Breakfast Club restart is under constant review, however, safety is our priority.

Easter Celebrations:

  • Year 2 led Easter Assembly will be shared with parents before we break. Watch this space!
  • Please could you send in Easter bonnets on 26th More information to follow after we have reviewed the risks involved in inviting parents to watch the parade.
  • Easter Egg Gift – Thanks those parents who have helped us buy an Easter egg which will go home on the last day of term.

Lent: As we move though Lent, please find some time to pray with your child and reflect on the Bible stories. Our Catholic Virtues this month are attentive and discernment. How can we make right choices? In Lent we are asked to try to be more like Jesus. Please discuss opportunities when we can be selfless, giving to others, our time, maybe pocket money? See Missio and CAFOD web sites.   Today. Tomorrow. Together  This Lent in lockdown, you and your family can help transform the lives of people like Abdella.

School Nursing Service


Dear Parent / Guardian,

The School Nursing Service is aware that your child has recently started in reception class at this school and we would like to introduce ourselves to you.

The School Nursing Service aims to promote the health of the school-aged population and ensures help, advice and support is available to children, parents, guardians and carers.

When they enter reception class the care of your child is transferred from the Health Visitor to the School Nurse. All schools have access to a named School Nurse. The School Nurse aims to inform, educate and support children and young people to make healthy lifestyle choices to enable them to become healthy adults.

The School Nursing Service leaflet and welcome pack contact details is available for you on your child’s school website and they are provided below.

A member of the School Nursing team will be attending your child’s school during this academic year to carry out routine height, weight and vision screening for reception class children.

You will be contacted if any of the screening results identifies any concerns. If however you would like to know the screening results please contact the School Nurse.

If you do not wish your child to have their height, weight and vision screened by us you must inform the Head Teacher in writing immediately.

If this is the case, it is very important that you make arrangements for your child to have a vision test with a local Optometrist (Optician) this is a free service for children and it is advised that all children should receive regular eye checks with an Optometrist.

The Child Measurement Programme run by Public Health Wales would like to use the Height and Weight measurements to help give a picture of child growth in Wales. The information used by the Child Measurement Programme is completely anonymous. More information is available at

If you do not wish the measurements to be used by the Child Measurement Programme you must inform the Head Teacher in writing immediately.

Yours Sincerely

School Nursing Service

Swansea Bay University Health Board Headquarters

One Talbot Gateway, Baglan Energy Park, Port Talbot, SA12 7BR Phone 01639 683334


To obtain your child’s school nurse contact number please ring 01639 862801

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant Meithrin- Nursery

Happy Saint David’s Day!

As a Siater School we celebrate our Welshness daily, during this last week we have sprinkled a little bit of Welsh magic into almost everything!

It was uplifting to see our children dressed in Welsh national costumes on March 1st. Please take a look at our learning and celebrations.

Meet our Nursery children


Update Letter from Kirsty Williams

Please see update letter from Kirsty Williams.

Dear Headteacher

Wishing you a better new year in the hope you found some time to rest during the break.

Inevitably, and as I noted in my letter to you on 16 December, we have seen a difficult start to 2021 with Wales at alert level 4, and schools moving to remote learning, due to increased transmission of the new COVID-19 strain.

The First Minister will confirm today that we will bring the decision-making on schools and colleges into line with the Welsh Government’s three-week review timetable of 29 January.  This means that learners will continue to learn remotely and vulnerable children and children of critical workers will have access to on-site provision, until then.

At that point, unless the rates of community transmission in Wales reduce significantly by 29 January, most students in schools and colleges will continue working remotely until the February half term.

I want to stress – guided by the TAG report, to be published ahead of the First Minister’s announcement – that this is not a simple binary choice between closing schools now and reopening them in February. The TAG report is clear on education’s contribution to our efforts to deal with this, not because schools are now more unsafe or pose a higher risk for teachers and children.

We are taking this action because the new variant is far more infections and is leading to increased numbers of people falling ill and being hospitalised.

We will use the coming weeks to work with local authorities, unions and head teachers  to plan for the future.  We want to work together creatively to look at all the possibilities for a phased, and safe, return of some pupils during this period.  We have achieved this in every new term since the Summer and that’s down to our collective mission to prioritise our children’s growth, learning and well-being.


Colleagues will know that the new variance does not mean schools have suddenly become unsafe. They do not pose an increased risk to teachers or students.

However, keeping schools open does encourage children and adults to mix – inside and outside the school gates – at a time when cases of coronavirus are high in the community and we have a very infectious strain spreading quickly.

Our invitation to you is to keep working with us so we can use this time to tackle instances of digital exclusion, undertake fresh risk assessments and renew guidance, in line with issues raised by the workforce.



2021-01-08 – Letter to primary