Dear Parents,
Please work with us to keep everyone safe. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell and present with any ONE of the coronavirus symptoms.
Should your child become unwell and have any of the coronavirus symptoms:
- High temperature
- Persistent cough
- Loss of taste and/ or smell
- They should NOT attend school
- They should remain at home and self-isolate and please arrange a COVID-19 TEST.
Our plan should your child develop symptoms in school
- We will of course reassure the child. Those showing symptoms in school, will be looked after in a separate room, supervised at a distance of 2 metres where possible until collected. They then should remain at home and self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 TEST.
Please share the TEST text/email results with a member of the Senior Management Team
- Ms Beaumont Head
- Mrs Turner Deputy
- Mrs James
Essential Covid -19 Contact Details
Tel: free number 119
Coronavirus (COVID-19): testing and contact tracing
Huge thanks for working with us and keeping us all safe,
Ms Beaumont