Missio Prayer leaders gathered together during playtime on this beautiful sunny morning. We have created our own Missio prayer. Please take a moment to reflect on the words with your child. How can we be COMPASSIONATE and LOVING? Compassionate towards others, near and far, especially the less fortunate: and loving by their just actions and forgiving words.
Our St Joes Missio Prayer
Give us the strength to carry out your work, helping and praying for children.
Help us to be brave, forgiving and loving.
To be the best that we can be.
Help us to look after our world, the seas, the rivers and animals.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Created on Tuesday 22th October by Year 2 Missio Prayer
Our first job is to create our own Missio prayer for St Joseph’s Infants.
We thought about the words of our prayer for the Diocese:
A Prayer for our Diocese
Almighty and eternal God, give us the grace and strength to carry out the work entrusted to us in the Diocese of Menevia. Bless our families and our parishes. You call men and women from our families to serve you as priests, deacons and in the religious life. May we read the signs of these vocations in others and help them to follow you. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our School vision and Mission Statement:
Our School Vision
We are a Welsh Catholic school with a strong sense of community that caters for children from the age of 3 to 7. Our school vision is encapsulated in our school motto ‘We can do our best and God will do the rest!’ and in Article 29 – ‘Your right to be the best you can be.’ Our Catholic vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They guide our children and underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our children as confident happy citizens of Wales and of the wider world. We provide a Christian Community where the Catholic Faith is taught and nurtured, giving learners the best possible learning experiences and outcomes. We are extremely proud of all that goes on here.
Our School Values
Our school values were chosen by parents, teachers and staff. These represent 10 values that the whole school community chose to be central to the education of our children:
love of God and the wider world
positive self esteem
and Pope Francis’ advice to look after our world
‘Live wisely, think deeply, love generously’. We also reflected on One Family, One World (CAFOD).
Thanks to all who joined us to gather together to support and raise money for friend of the school Olivia on a sunny, breezy Thursday afternoon. It was fantastic to walk Aberafan seafront, celebrating the achievement of walking the total distance of the coastline of Wales. We also remembered the troubles in Ukraine and part of the money raised will go towards supporting refugees from Ukraine.
Please join with us to pray the rosary for peace in the world.
Whole School and wider community Sponsored WalkAs we walked we thought about Peace at home, in Ukraine, in the world
Missio have been thinking about what is the main job of our school?
Please add your ideas to the Questionnaire sent home (Nov 2019) so that we can use them to revamp our Mission Statement. All entries will go into a Prize Draw.
We are a Missio School. We have a team of Missio Ambassadors, their job is to be the hands, feet and voice of Jesus in our school.
We have answered Pope Frances’ call to look after our world and support those who need our help. A very important part of this job is to pray for each other and pray for children all over the world.
Mums, Dads and Carers we need your help. You are the First Educators.