Dear Parents and Carers of Nursey pupils,
NPT Helping Hands Team will be joining us for a coffee and chat. Please join us on Wednesday at 10:00. We will be sharing information about our on entry Wellcomm assessment and next steps. We will also be discussing our holistic approach to pupil assessment and our observational narratives will be explained. We will give a brief overview of our phonics scheme Read Write Inc and provide links for parents to access online resources.
WellComm is a speech and language toolkit for screening and intervention in the early years. This assessment plays a crucial role in identifying children with potential language difficulties. Once we are aware of any difficulties, we can then put the appropriate intervention into practice to support their language development.
· First section
The first section of the assessment is measuring the child’s receptive language.
· Second section
The second section of the assessment is measuring the child’s expressive language.
Observational Narratives
Many of you would have already received your child’s narrative. This is a bespoke document which is personal to your child. During the first six weeks of school, your child is observed which provides us with a detailed account of likes/dislikes, who they like to interact with and emerging friendships.
This initial observation Focusing on four mandatory areas:
· Social and Emotional Development
· Physical Development
· Literacy
· Numeracy
We are following the Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings.
This curriculum ensures that the mandatory elements of Curriculum for Wales are embedded at an appropriate level and focus on the needs of the developing child through five developmental pathways. Including cross-curricular skills.
· Belonging
· Communication
· Exploration
· Physical Development
· Well-being.
Routes for leaning is also incorporated into the curriculum these are a framework of materials which include
· Literacy
· Numeracy
· Digital Competence
These have been developed to ensure that the children have the best possible start on their educational journey.
A little more information about Wellcomm:

The complete speech and language toolkit, from screening to intervention.
WellComm helps you to identify pre-school and primary school children who are experiencing barriers to speech and language development so that you can support them early in their education journey.

NPT Family Links
NPT Helping Hands Team Gill and Victoria will be on hand to discuss support, address early years issues relating to food, behaviour and toileting.

RWINc Parent FAQs for Read Write Inc. Phonics