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Pupil Voice: Which charity will be be supporting in the Spring Term?

Missio Council have been tasked with organising a vote to decide which charity we should support in the Spring Term. Children had one vote each. Every child voted. Missio Council had selected 4 very worthwhile charities:

  1. CAFOD – Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
  2. Missions in Peru – we have a personal connection with Bishop Giovanni (Monsignor Joseph’s brother)
  3. Ty Hafen – a children’s hospice
  4. Charity supporting Epidermolysis bullosa ( Butterfly Skin), Epidermolysis bullosa is a rare skin condition. People born with this condition are often called “butterfly children” because their skin is as delicate as a butterfly’s wings.
    Home – DEBRA UK

    Watch this space for results!

    Epidermolysis bullosa

David’s Cwtch

Missio group voted to buy a bench where we could sit, find some peace, pray and remember David. You will remember that Maria and Alex Ejimofor, tragically lost thier son in the Summer of 2023. After a vote Missio have chosen the style of bench which we have now bought. Mr Coughlin (Andrew the Fixer) has put it together. Today we have placed the bench in the sunniest spot in the front playground. It is in a space for all to use.

Could you help develop this quiet space?

Children have decided that it would look more inviting with more pots of plants around it. Missio wondered whether our families would like to get involved.

Do you have any spare pots and plants that you would like to donate to add to David’s Cwtch? Please let Ms Beaumont know and send them in.

Enterprising and Creative – Go St Joseph’s! Saint Joseph’s School Council

Well done to all those who entered the School Council competition to redesign our learning environment.

We have had some fantastic ideas ranging from willow walk dragon to repainting rainbow coloured roads in the side yard.

Outdoor play prizes have been awarded to the winning entry, one in all 4 classes.

Now watch this space! Year 1 have cleaned the flowerbeds ready for Year 2 to have a go at painting.

It is a risk. It is going to be messy. But we are ambitious capable learners.

We will do our best and God will do the rest!

Get your thinking caps on! Calling all Enterprising Contributors!




School Council met today to look at ideas for improving our school environment.

We have been thinking creatively to help make our school the best it can be. School Council will be reporting an update back to their classmates.

We respect the rights of all children to play. We are thinking about developing our world in a sustainable way.



School Council Easter Holiday Competition- Be an Action Researcher

How can we make our school more colourful, more exciting, more fun to learn?

Deadline for competition entries is Friday 16th April 2021.

We agreed that there have been some fantastic ideas already submitted


Getting Ready for Learning- School Council- Creative and Enterprising

Meet our new School Council


School Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 25.03.2021

 School Council would like your ideas.

Our School Council met with Ms Beaumont for a walk around our school grounds. We decided that we need your help. We need to do this together. We need you to be creative and enterprising.


Please think creatively to solve our ‘problem’…

How can we make our school grounds more colourful, more exciting, more fun? How can we develop them to help us to be more active?

Easter Holiday Competition- A special prize per class

Easter challenge: Please work with your family to create a drawing or photo collage. Be an Action researcher. Maybe think about one of:

1. The side yard/ Nursery yard

2.The prayer garden

3.The Willow walk

4.The Circle Time area

Thanks for your ideas!!!from The School Council x


Next step:

School Council will meet week beginning 12th April to review your ideas.

Get your thinking hats on!!!
















Planning To improve our Play Area, School Council Meeting 12.02.2020

Schools’ Council, three children from Year 2, Year 1 and Reception, met on Wednesday to discuss plans for the future.

Our School castle will be taken down by Mr Coughlin during February Half Term. Children shared with Ms Beaumont and Mrs O’Leary their ideas from a previous meeting with Mrs Turner. If possible children would like to continue with the tree house idea and include slide, climbing ramp, periscope, climbing ladder. Ms Beaumont will discuss the possibility of installing 3 separate small playhouse towers with Mrs Coughlin. Watch this post!

School Council Focus- Know Your Rights!

All children have rights. These rights are the things that children need to be safe, healthy and happy. The United Nations has a list of all the rights that children have. This list is called the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, or UNCRC for short.

Our School Council, have been working on some of these rights. Please take some time to have a look at the display in the main hall.

Autumn Term

This term we will be working on Article 29

Your right to become the best that you can be.

and Article 6

You have the right to life and to grow up to be healthy.

This work will be underpinned by Jesus’ call to be Loving and Compassionate*

*Jesuit Principles