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Advent is here!

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we move into the season of Advent, we remember the four candles on the Advent wreath. Please take a moment to talk about the first candle, the first Sunday of Advent when we focus on Hope. This seems very fitting in these challenging times. Mark’s Gospel reminds us, ‘Be on your guard, stay awake, because you never know when the time will come.’

As a whole school community we have revisited our school values. We want our children to be loving and to love God and the wider world.

The Birth of Jesus Please help your child make links in their learning and become faith filled. How? Take some time to read the nativity story with your child. Start with Mary’s good news and read the journey and the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Find time to pray.  For traditional prayers, focus on one prayer at a time. Start with the sign of the cross, then the Hail Mary, Our Father and Glory Be. Prayers from the heart. At bedtime and first thing in the morning try to find some space to talk to Jesus with your child. In Advent, maybe think about a prayer of thanks, of love, of joy of peace.

New Admissions- Become part of the St Joseph’s Family of Schools

Admissions for Saint Joseph’s Infant School


St Joseph’s Catholic Infant School is a Christ centred caring and effective learning community, where pupils aged 3-7 years celebrate through prayer and worship their love of God. Walking in the footsteps of Christ we work together to prepare our children to be resilient, resourceful  learners, to love one another and help others. Our aim is to provide the very best learning experience for each and every child.


Saint Joseph’s Infant school has excellent transition with St Joseph’s Junior School and St Joseph’s Catholic Sixth Form Centre, providing a Catholic education from 3-18 years. If you would like to become part of our family of Catholic schools and you would like us to be partners with you, as your child take the first steps in formal education please contact:

Ms Julie Beaumont Headteacher on 01639 882579 or


Nursery Classes September 2021 and September 2022  To ensure that we allocate places to Catholic children as is our mission, we are now collecting names for those children born between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019 and 1st September 2019 and August 2020




Welcome Back! New Year! Exciting New beginnings

Dear Parents, Carers, and children,

Welcome back to a new academic year, a fresh  beginning for everyone. We are so looking forward to seeing everybody on Monday morning. I hope that you have had a great summer holidays and I’m sure that the children are ready for the exciting new learning and challenges that we have planned for them.



Organisation of School day for September

 The systems we have in place have been successful in keeping everyone safe. In September, as we transition into a new norm, we will continue with a staggered approach to the start and end of the school day. As we are finishing building work in the front side yard there will be a few changes for the next few weeks.

  Start Location Pick Up Location

Mrs Coughlin

9:00 Nursery 11:30 Nursery
Reception –Mrs Mapp/

Mrs Torrance

8:55 Teachers will meet children by the Front Ramp (next to my office) to enter into the main yard. Week 1

6th-10th at 1:00 pm

Week 2

13th -17th  at 2:00 pm

Week 3


Main playground, left hand side
Reception /

Year 1

Mrs James

8:50 Main Entrance Year 1 finish at 2:50


Reception children Week 1

6th-10th at 1:00 pm

Week 2

13th -17th  at 2:00 pm

Week 3


Main playground, right hand side
Year 1/ Year2 Mrs Turner 8:50 Front Ramp 2:50 Front Ramp
Year 2 Mrs Owen

(Miss W)

8:45 Front Ramp 2:45 Front Ramp

Breakfast Club

Will be available for Years 1 and 2 from Monday 6th September 2021. Whilst Reception children can access Breakfast Club from Monday 20th September. Please complete and return consent from to our Cook Mrs Pat McGimpsey. Drop off from 8:20

Belated congratulations to Pat on celebrating a big birthday during the Summer holidays.

Lunchtime Routines

We hope to return to using the dining hall for lunch. Initially with Reception, then adding other Year groups as the month progresses. Reception children will stay for lunch from day one. School hot dinners are available, or if they prefer, children can bring a lunchbox. Please remember to write your child’s name clearly on the lunchbox to avoid confusion and tears. As a Healthy School, wherever possible, could we encourage healthy choices.

Water Bottle- clearly labelled

Hydration is vital to good learning and wellbeing. Please send your child daily, a clearly labelled bottle filled with water.


Port Talbot to Peru- Why should we get fitter? Why should we raise money for our linked mission in Peru?


How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus?

How can we be Compassionate and Loving?

Curious and active?

Saint Joseph’s Sponsored Strava challenge

We as a school and parish community are aiming to raise money for the plight of Bishop Giovanni. Our Missio group have decided that we are going to do our best to walk or run as many miles in May as possible! Our astronomical end goal is 5929 miles! The distance between Port Talbot and Peru.

This challenge is all about exercising with family whilst raising money for such an important cause. Your whole family can take part and help you to reach your sponsorship goals.

Be an Action Researcher to find out what our money will go towards?

What differences will it make to the people of Prelatura Santiago Apostol de Huancane?


Please follow the instructions below to take part.


  1. Sign up to Strava app.
  2. Use ‘explore’ and search for ‘Saint Joseph’s Infants’ in ‘Clubs’. Request to join!
  3. Once you have joined our club, every walk or run will be added to our mileage and our leader board. We will be tallying up the miles at the end of each week.
  4. *Important* every time you Record a walk or run and ‘choose a sport’, please choose ‘Run’ EVEN if you are walking. This will allow your activity to be added to our mileage leader board.
  5. Please involve your whole family! Brothers, Sisters, Aunt’s, Uncle’s, Grandparents! The more family members involved, the better.


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

Our school vision at St Joseph’s Catholic Infant school is to develop eloquent and truthful learners who are ambitious and capable. Eloquent in what they say of themselves and in  the relations between people and the world. To be eloquent in our Foundation Phase setting, children must learn to speak with confidence and then build on these skills to develop reading and writing skills.

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.” – Walt Disney


Collaboration with parents to develop ambitious, capable learners

During lockdown some children have flown with reading development, however, many for lots of different reasons have plateaued or regressed.

We would like all parents to work with us to help improve every child’s reading skills.




Step 1: Be consistent. Read daily with your child 10- 15 mins

Step 2: Practise reading the Oxford Reading Scheme daily. It is always good to ‘walk ‘ through the book before reading, looking at pictures on the cover, and looking through the book together. Go over any tricky words. Set children up to achieve.

  • Read the story to your child, pointing under the words as you read
  • Re-read the story with your child, encouraging them to join in with repeated patterns
  • Give them lots of praise
  • Write in the Reading Record – share how the session went with your child’s teacher.
  • PLEASE remember to send book and reading record back on the designated day. We need to set them aside 48 hours before using.

Step 3: Log on to Oxford Reading Buddies for short burst 3 times a week. This is a fantastic resource which tracking shows is being underused. Logon codes will be resent later this week.

Step 4: Use flash cards sent home as a home learning tool. Make the activity fun. Keep it short, make it a game. Make additional flash cards if your child finds a word tricky. Help them recognise common words by sight. Make sure they know the names of the main characters.

Step 5: Use fun resources that surround us in a language rich world.  Teach them songs and nursery rhymes; clap rhythms of the words, help them to think of another word that begins with…

Make use of online resources such as:

·       BBC Bitesize has a good section on ‘Top tips to support your child’s reading at home’ which may be of help with strategies.

· has ideas for family reading activities.

·       The Pori Drwy Stori website has lots of activities/ideas for families (

·       The Literacy Trust also has information/support for parents (

10 Top Tips for supporting children during Covid-19

Thank you for looking after everyone by staying at home. By following advice to stay at
home during the COVID 19 outbreak you’re helping to reduce your family’s risk and you’re
also helping to protect the NHS and save lives.
The following are ten tips to encourage your young child’s development during this time:
Stay Home. Stay Positive.

1. These will help you and your child feel more secure. Routines will
help structure your day from start to finish. You will need to plan
ahead for the next day and week but keep it simple and doable
– getting up time, meals, bathtime, exercise and going to bed.
Simple, regular routines
Talk about and explain to your child what you are going to do throughout the day.
Help them take turns in conversation. Tune into what they already know and build
on their daily routine. Be a running “commentator”, keep your language simple.
Draw pictures, show pictures or use objects to show what you are going to do if
your child needs more help to understand. If you have them, use photos of friends
and/or family to talk about people that are important to you in different households.

2. Talk about what you are going to do
Have fun, we learn best when we are enjoying what we do. If you or your child
are not enjoying something, stop, change your plan. Try to make sure you do
something fun for you and your child every day, more than once if you can.

3. Enjoy your time together
Use the TV and/or other devices, but choose when you are going to watch and what you
are going to do. CBeebies and S4C’s Cyw have some fun programmes. Use your phone/other
devices to record what you have done – kicked a ball, learnt a new song or a new word.
Turn off the TV when you are not watching it so there is not a constant stream of information.

4. Selectively use devices
You don’t need to buy extra things. Walk in your garden or near home, point to flowers, birds
and trees, buildings and everyday objects; name them. Play walking, running, finding games.
Do a treasure hunt for everyday objects in your home/garden. Teach your child a new song
or nursery rhyme. Play catch, or rolling a ball backwards and forwards. Use mirrors in the
bathroom to encourage copying and taking turns – making silly faces. Children like to repeat
familiar activities. You are your child’s first and lasting teacher – you can help them learn
and grow so much. They can also teach you – look at how they learn best.

5. Use what you have at and near your home
Anne Marie McKigney, Consultant Child Psychologist, Aneurin Bevan
University Health Board,
Dr Heather Payne, Consultant Paediatrician, Senior Medical Officer for
Maternal & Child Health, Welsh Government.
April 2020

6.Cleaning, cooking, fixing. If they can’t help, they can watch you and you
can tell them what you are doing. If you have older children, they may
be able to help by talking with and/or entertaining younger siblings.
Let your child join in and help as much
as they can with household tasks

7. A cocoon. Create the same for yourself – put your phone in the drawer and check
at set intervals only (not too often). Acknowledge your worries, ask for help/advice
if you need it and let your child ask for help. Practise relaxing and deep breathing.
Create a safe, quiet place for your child to be quiet

8. If your child understands a little about COVID 19, please tell them the facts very
simply. Show them how to wash their hands and get them to practise washing
their hands. Find a song they like to sing whilst washing their hands or use a
timer for 20 seconds. You can also teach them other hygiene and self-help skills
such as dressing, undressing, cleaning teeth and using the toilet if you’re both
ready. Make it as much fun as possible.
Let your child talk and ask about COVID 19

9. This could be on a daily basis or a few times a week. Choose a regular time and way
of communicating (FaceTime/Skype/WhatsApp). If you are using the telephone, if
you can, point to pictures of the person speaking at the other end. Decide how long
these sessions will be. Start by saying “Hello” and finish by saying “Goodbye”. Tell or
show your family one thing your child has done well or learned. Decide what you will
share/do, sing a song or do a dance. If you need a longer chat for yourself ring later
when your child is asleep, if you are not too tired!
Keep in touch with your family and friends

10. At the end of each day, think of one particularly positive thing
that you and your child have achieved and enjoyed that day.
Tell them, talk about it and record it in some way, celebrate it.
Celebrate achievements

Top ten Tips
Finally, plan for when we come out of lockdown and what you and your child might like to do then!

For more information and advice on parenting, visit:
Keep in touch with your Health Visitor. They are here to help you and your family.
Watch Yvonne explaining how they can help:

Getting Ready for Learning- School Council- Creative and Enterprising

Meet our new School Council


School Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 25.03.2021

 School Council would like your ideas.

Our School Council met with Ms Beaumont for a walk around our school grounds. We decided that we need your help. We need to do this together. We need you to be creative and enterprising.


Please think creatively to solve our ‘problem’…

How can we make our school grounds more colourful, more exciting, more fun? How can we develop them to help us to be more active?

Easter Holiday Competition- A special prize per class

Easter challenge: Please work with your family to create a drawing or photo collage. Be an Action researcher. Maybe think about one of:

1. The side yard/ Nursery yard

2.The prayer garden

3.The Willow walk

4.The Circle Time area

Thanks for your ideas!!!from The School Council x


Next step:

School Council will meet week beginning 12th April to review your ideas.

Get your thinking hats on!!!