Spring Come and See Newsletter for Parents
Religious Education
Spring Term 2019
Come and See at home
Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),
This term we will be studying the three themes of Local Church (Community), Eucharist (Relating) and Lent/Easter (Giving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics.
Local church – Community
(Jan/Feb 2019)
Early Years Celebrating – People celebrate in Church
Year 1 Special people – People in the parish family
Year 2 Books – The books used in Church
Eucharist – Relating
(Feb/Mar 2019)
Early Years Gathering – Parish family gathers to celebrate the Eucharist
Year 1 Meals – Mass, Jesus’ special meal
Year 2 Thanksgiving – Mass, a special time to thank God
Lent/Easter – Giving
(Mar/Apr 2019)
Early Year Growing – Looking forward to Easter
Year 1 Change – Lent: a time for change
Year 2 Opportunities – Lent: an opportunity to start anew
Try something at home… Suggestions for home activities
Explore the Diocesan website, looking at the number of churches, and finding out about our bishop, Bishop Tom.
Read Bible stories together or encourage older children to read a child’s Bible.
Suggestions for home activities:
Look through the family photograph album to help the children remember important events and special people in their lives.
Discuss how we come together for special celebrations.
Suggestions for home activities
As a family talk about how you are going to practice self-control and self-giving for the rest of the season of Lent. You may decide to give up biscuits or cakes and donate the money to a charity.
If you have an older child provide him/her with an opportunity to take part in The Stations of the Cross. Ask your child/ren how the school is focusing on Lent and self-giving.
Mary, the Holy Mother of God
1 January
The Epiphany of the lord
6 January
The Baptism of the lord
13 January
The Presentation of the Lord
2 February
Ash Wednesday
6 March
St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
19 March
The annunciation of the Lord
25 March
PALM SUNDAY of the Passion of the Lord
14 April
Maundy Thursday
18 April
Good Friday
19 April
Easter Sunday
21 April
Doing Something Different for Lent
Pope Francis’ message this Lent:
Nobody, no situation and no place
is beyond God’s care
Dear Mums and Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Staff, brothers and sisters,
Missio have met today and decided that during Lent we would like to do something different! Missio have suggested that together as a Catholic community we might:
- Give up or limit time on phones, i-pads, Play Stations?
- Find 5 minutes extra a day to pray to Jesus?
- Save pocket money and give to those in need?
Together we have decided to rise to the challenge of walking 10,000 steps a day during Lent. We would like everyone to join us ‘Doing something different’, getting fit and raising money for Missions in Peru (Father Giovanni) and Mission Together.
We thought it would be fun to do this together and are hoping that our whole community will join us in this adventure.
Please fill in the promise below asap and send donations in by Monday 8th April.
Thanks, Missio
Thank you Team St. Joseph’s
Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Governors,
Thanks to everyone for all the positive support we have received in the run up to, and during Estyn Inspection.
The children are a credit to our school, our Parishes and of course to you! We look forward to building on the feedback received to help our children become more confident, capable and independent.
Advent Family Mass – December 2018
Our final Family Mass was celebrated on Gaudate Sunday. Children wrote Advent prayers and promises in school and brought them forward during the offertory.
The third, pink Advent Candle which represents joy was lit.
Children then beautifully sang the final hymn. Da lawn pawb and thanks to all those who read and were involved in the Mass.
Lest We Forget
We took part in Margam Orangery’s ‘Lest We Forget’ memorial at Margam Park this year. Beautiful tributes were shared.
Come along and help us to remember.
On Sunday in St Joseph’s Parish we will call out the list of those who died during the First World War, the Second World War, The Falklands and other conflicts.
Our Catholic Mission- come walk in the footsteps of Christ
We aim to develop each and every child, to celebrate through prayer our love of God. Jesus invites us all to join in a celebration of the Holy Eucharist every Sunday.
Jesus said,