Dear Parents/Carers,
We are getting there! Children are flourishing and finding a new pattern to school life. Great news in that half term holiday will be for ONE week only!
Thanks for working with us
Rosary Challenge: This half term holiday please teach your child the Hail Mary. Take a look at the Rosary page on our website.
MAKE: A prayer paper chain of people you would like to pray for. Remember to pray for PEACE and an end to COVID. Post your chains on SEE Saw for your classmates to see.
Challenges Ahead
Our main aim is to keep children safe whilst educating them spiritually, academically and particularly this term we will be supporting children’s wellbeing. Thanks for working with us on so many levels. Staggered start and finish is working effectively.
Beakfast Club: We are taking a cautious approach to the reintroduction of Breakfast Club and to using the school Dining hall for lunchtime. No Breakfast Club will run yet. This will allow children to remain in Class bubbles. We will closely monitor developments.
COVID-19 Prevention: Should your child become unwell and have any one of the COVID-19 symptoms:
- High temperature
- New, persistent cough
- Loss of taste and/or smell
They should NOT attend school. They should remain at home and self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 test.
Half Term Reading Challenge!
Please pick up a book and read daily with your child. It is not surprising children have forgotten phonics and blends. Please work daily on reading with and reading to your Child.
Let’s Get Active! Mrs O’Leary & Mrs B
Can you Walk / ride a kilometre a day?
If you are already at a kilometre try pushing for 2km? Share your photos on See Saw
Positive Covid Test result for child
Please put URGENT as the first word,
‘Please contact me’ in the text should your child have a positive test
Protect Trace and Track:
It is vitally important that should you or any of your household test positive to COVID-19 that you inform school as a matter of urgency.