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Living Wisely, Thinking Deeply, Loving Generously. Meet our Missio Prayer Leaders


Meet our Missio Prayer Leaders

Today we would like to share our Missio prayer with you.

It is taken from one of our assemblies  when we thought about ‘How we can care for God’s world?’


Our whole school has been working on how we can be well.

We had lots of fun during our Wellbeing Day.

We took time to reflect on our God given gifts from God and time to thank God for our talents during collective worship.

Come have a go at our Rainbow Breathing


Breathe in for a count of 4, and say  “Live wisely”

Breathe out for a count of 4, and say “Love generously”


Port Talbot to Peru- Why should we get fitter? Why should we raise money for our linked mission in Peru?


How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus?

How can we be Compassionate and Loving?

Curious and active?

Saint Joseph’s Sponsored Strava challenge

We as a school and parish community are aiming to raise money for the plight of Bishop Giovanni. Our Missio group have decided that we are going to do our best to walk or run as many miles in May as possible! Our astronomical end goal is 5929 miles! The distance between Port Talbot and Peru.

This challenge is all about exercising with family whilst raising money for such an important cause. Your whole family can take part and help you to reach your sponsorship goals.

Be an Action Researcher to find out what our money will go towards?

What differences will it make to the people of Prelatura Santiago Apostol de Huancane?


Please follow the instructions below to take part.


  1. Sign up to Strava app.
  2. Use ‘explore’ and search for ‘Saint Joseph’s Infants’ in ‘Clubs’. Request to join!
  3. Once you have joined our club, every walk or run will be added to our mileage and our leader board. We will be tallying up the miles at the end of each week.
  4. *Important* every time you Record a walk or run and ‘choose a sport’, please choose ‘Run’ EVEN if you are walking. This will allow your activity to be added to our mileage leader board.
  5. Please involve your whole family! Brothers, Sisters, Aunt’s, Uncle’s, Grandparents! The more family members involved, the better.


Food Bank and Harvest Celebrations

How can we be like Ajay and develop the good habit of taking care of ourselves and others?

Curious and Active- Catholic Pupil Profile

Children have been invited  to dress in harvest colours or their favourite dressing up costume to celebrate Harvest. Please support our local community of Port Talbot. Tomorrow  we will collect for the Port Talbot Food Bank, we will be walking in Jesus’ footsteps, and living out his message. Help us to role model how we can give back something to those in need and like Pope Francis suggests develop the habit of taking care of ourselves and others. Send in your FOOD BANK DONATIONS tomorrow Friday 23rd October. We will of course leave the items 72 hours during half term before we handle them.

In school we have been helping our children to be curious about everything: active in their engagement with the world, changing what they can for the better.

This advice comes from the Trussell Trust

What’s in a food parcel?


Food banks provide a minimum of three-days’ nutritionally balanced, non-perishable tinned and dried foods that have been donated people in the local community

Lady volunteer packs a food parcel

We’ve worked with nutritionists to develop a food parcel that contains sufficient nutrition for adults and children, for at least three days of healthy, balanced meals for individuals and families.

A typical food parcel includes:

  • Cereal
  • Soup
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Tinned tomatoes/ pasta sauce
  • Lentils, beans and pulses
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Tea/coffee
  • Tinned fruit
  • Biscuits
  • UHT milk
  • Fruit juice

Many food banks also provide essential non-food items such as toiletries and hygiene products.

If you’re organising a collection for your local food bank, please check with them first to see which items they are currently in need of.

Saint Joseph’s Catholic Infant School October the month of the Rosary

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are getting there! Children are flourishing and finding a new pattern to school life. Great news in that half term holiday will be for ONE week only!

Thanks for working with us

Rosary Challenge: This half term holiday please teach your child the Hail Mary. Take a look at the Rosary page on our website.

MAKE: A prayer paper chain of people you would like to pray for. Remember to pray for PEACE and an end to COVID. Post your chains on SEE Saw for your classmates to see.

Challenges Ahead

Our main aim is to keep children safe whilst educating them spiritually, academically and particularly this term we will be supporting children’s wellbeing. Thanks for working with us on so many levels. Staggered start and finish is working effectively

Beakfast Club: We are taking a cautious approach to the reintroduction of Breakfast Club and to using the school Dining hall for lunchtime. No Breakfast Club will run yet. This will allow children to remain in Class bubbles. We will closely monitor developments.

 COVID-19 Prevention: Should your child become unwell and have any one of the COVID-19 symptoms:

  1. High temperature
  2. New, persistent cough
  3. Loss of taste and/or smell

They should NOT attend school. They should remain at home and self-isolate and arrange a COVID-19 test.

Half Term Reading Challenge!

Please pick up a book and read daily with your child. It is not surprising children have forgotten phonics and blends. Please work daily on reading with and reading to your Child.

Let’s Get Active! Mrs O’Leary & Mrs B

Can you Walk / ride a kilometre a day?

If you are already at a kilometre try pushing for 2km? Share your photos on See Saw

Positive Covid Test result for child


Please put URGENT as the first word,

‘Please contact me’ in the text should your child have a positive test

Protect Trace and Track:

It is vitally important that should you or any of your household test positive to COVID-19 that you inform school as a matter of urgency.


Missio in Action

Huge thanks to Year 2 children who braved the weather to clean and tidy the prayer area this afternoon.

2 Jesuit values:


Praying for others




Prayer Partners

Reducing waste- water Switching off lights Recycling Cutting down on food waste/Healthy foods Loving our world-litter Beach comb



School Council: Rights of the Child

Autumn: Spring


Article 29:

Your right to become the best that you can be.


Article 12:

Your right to say what you think should happen

and be listened to.

Article 15:

Your right to meet with friends and join groups

and clubs.

Article 6:

You have the right to life and to grow up to

be healthy.

Article 28:

Your right to learn and to go to school.


Article 19:

You should not be harmed and should be looked after

and kept safe.


Christmas Crafts-Peru


Silver Egg,

World Book Day,

Welsh Dimension/ 4 Key Purposes

Day of Many Colours

Multi -cultural weeks



Prayer Buddies:

  • Delphine, Josh, Jonny, Frankie, Evie, Aarika to lead and organise prayer buddies in school  (Week beginning 24th  Feb 2020).

Prayer Garden:

Jet Wash Prayer Area and use buckets from car wash.

Children to investigate whether we would need a roof  and come back with ideas after Half Term


What should we do to improve the look of the Prayer Area?

Paint Images of



  • Baby Jesus
  • May and Joseph
  • Angel
  • Creation
  • Noah’s Ark
  • Jesus calming the storm
  • The good Samaritan
  • Ask Mr Coughlin to repair pole wall and add 3 crosses if possible.

We should include our Catholic Virtues:

Love and Compassion

Discerning and  Listening

Hopeful and Faithfilled

Truthful – Learned

Grateful and Giving

Cayden suggested we should bring in the 4Rs?

Resilience –Do your best and God will do the rest


Ella suggests fake grass on pebble area

Nest step to consider:

  1. Collect Flags for around the world/ Bunting (Tibet).
  2. Research Hanging display
  3. Do we want a structure?
  4. Collective Worship/ Prayer Resources