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Family Fast Day October 6th 2023

Charity begins at home…

To celebrate Family Fast Day, children are invited to wear own clothes and bring in tinned food and toiletries for local Food Bank on Friday 6th October.

Family Fast Day

Family Fast Day is on Friday 6 October. 

If you would like to send in a donation you are very welcome.

Come together as a parish, so that families like Meera’s can get help from doctors and other local experts when they need it most. 

Dr Nasha’s mobile medical clinic gets life-saving help to where it’s needed most, fast – so when her team arrived in Meera’s village after it had been destroyed by flooding, she rushed to the clinic to get her children the treatment they needed.

Thank you for all your support!

Join us in praying this Harvest as we celebrate God’s gifts and seek to respond with gratitude and generosity.

Harvest prayer 2023: Seeds of hope

Generous God, we thank you
for the gifts you have given
for all people to share.
We plant seeds of hope
and nurture them as we seek
a harvest of plenty for all.

Forgive us for the times these seeds
fail to take root in our hearts.
We grieve when homes and crops
are washed away by floods,
when lives are uprooted by disaster,
or trampled by fear and greed.

Living God, you lead us
to a new way of being.
Move us to help one another
in our times of need,
to care for the earth and
to love one another,
sharing your harvest with all.


Catherine Gorman/CAFOD

Take a look at our phonics scheme

Our phonics scheme in St Joseph’s Infant School is Read Write Inc


Children begin their reading and writing journey with Read Write Inc. Phonics.

They learn their sounds and how to blend sounds to read.

Once children have completed the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme and are confident learners they move on to Read Write Inc, Language and Literacy, continuing to develop their comprehension and writing skills through a diverse range of fiction and non fiction texts. 

As well as completing a range of Activities in Language and Literacy, children work on their spelling through a range of online and group spelling strategies. 

Read Write Inc. Phonics – Learning to read at home

Parents films

The films below show you how we teach children to read and write with Read Write Inc. Phonics.
The films will help you and your child practise together at home.

If you have a question for the Read Write Inc team, please get in touch with them via our Facebook or Twitter pages and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Supporting at home

With Read, Write Inc we are using pure sounds, (‘m’ not’ muh’, ’s’ not ‘suh’, etc) so that your child will be able to blend the sounds into words more easily.

 These first sounds should all be stretched slightly. Try to avoid saying uh after each one:  eg /mm/ not muh, /ss/ not suh, /ff/ not fuh.

m – mmmmmmountain (keep lips pressed together hard)

s – sssssnake (keep teeth together and hiss – unvoiced)

n – nnnnnnet (keep tongue behind teeth)

f – ffffflower (keep teeth on bottom lip and force air out sharply – unvoiced)

l – llllleg (keep pointed curled tongue behind teeth).

r – rrrrrrobot (say rrr as if you are growling)

v – vvvvvvulture (keep teeth on bottom lip and force air out gently)

z – zzzzzzig zzzzzag (keep teeth together and make a buzzing sound)

th – thhhhank you ( stick out tongue and breathe out sharply)

sh – shhhh (make a shhh noise as though you are telling somebody to be quiet!)

ng – thinnnnngg on a strinnnngg (curl your tongue at the back of your throat)

nk – I think I stink (make a piggy oink noise without the oi! nk nk nk)

These next sounds cannot be stretched. Make the sound as short as possible avoiding uh at the end of the sound:

t – (tick tongue behind the teeth – unvoiced)

p – (make distinctive p with lips – unvoiced)

k – (make sharp click at back of throat)

c – as above

h – (say h as you breathe sharply out – unvoiced)

ch – (make a short sneezing sound)

x – (say a sharp c and add s – unvoiced) 

You will find it harder to avoid saying uh at the end of these sounds.

d – (tap tongue behind the teeth).

g – (make soft sound in throat).

b –(make a short, strong b with lips).

j – (push lips forward).

y – (keep edges of tongue against teeth).

w – (keep lips tightly pursed).

qu – (keep lips pursed as you say cw – unvoiced).

The short vowels should be kept short and sharp:

a: a-a-a (open mouth wide as if to take a bite of an apple).

e: e-e-e (release mouth slightly from a position).

Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2023

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you in advance for supporting our Christmas Shoebox Appeal this year! Below is a video sharing just how much a small gesture could make a big difference to the lives of others. Please send in individual items or a completed shoebox by Monday 9th October.

A helpful list of suggested items can also be found below.

Please see any additional information in the School Porch where there is also an example of items required.
If you need any help or information, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Many thanks,

Mrs Owen

Family Links

Thanks to our hard working Parents and Teachers, our Welcome Back disco was a huge success and attended by almost all of the children in our school. A special vote of thanks to Parish Priest of Margam Father Andrzej and his events team in Margam Parish for allowing us to use the parish hall.

Thanks to our ex-pupils for manning the door to efficiently.

St Joseph’s Family Links

Great News! We will be able to offer a Nurturing Programme for parents and carers.

It’s aim to support parents and carers to get the best out of family life.

Where: St Joseph’s Infant School, Water Street, Port Talbot, SA12 6LF

When: Wed 20th September at 9:00

Contact details: 01639 882579 or speak to Mrs James or Ms Beaumont

Check out for more information on
The Parenting Puzzle book and the Nurturing Programme

What is the Nurturing Programme?
Children are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but looking after them can be
stressful and challenging.

The Nurturing Programme helps deal with those challenges so
that you can have a calmer, happier life.

A tried and tested programme, it helps us think about what we do,
why we do it and how it makes us feel.

What does it cover?
Over the 10-week Programme, you will look at lots of different topics, including:
Understanding why children behave as they do

Recognising the feelings behind behaviour (ours and theirs)
Exploring different approaches to discipline

Finding ways to develop co-operation and self-discipline in children
Learning the importance of looking after ourselves

Practical information What does it cover?
Over the 10-week Programme, you will look at lots of different topics, including:
Understanding why children behave as they do

the feelings behind behaviour (ours and theirs)

different approaches to discipline
Finding ways to develop co-operation and self-discipline in children

Learning the importance of looking after ourselves

Partners are welcome and it’s also fine to come on your own
or with a relative or friend

There are ten 2-hour sessions with a tea and coffee break
8-10 parents are invited and there are two Family Links trained group leaders

You need to come to all ten sessions as they fit together like a puzzle

Parents Teacher Meeting Welcome Back 2023

Thanks to Amy, Eleanor, Kelly, Rachael, Jessie, who attended the meeting on Thursday 7th September 2023. Apologies from Carina and Carly.

Event for Autumn Term

All children and parents are invited to a Welcome Come Back Disco in Our Lady of Margam Parish Hall, 13th September from 5 – 6:30 pm. Entrance £2. Sweets, drinks, crisps and glow sticks will be on sale. Please could a responsible adult stay with children.

Recycling Uniform – Pope Francis’ asks us to look after our common home

Thanks to our team of willing parents, uniform will be put out in rail (outside when possible/ in entrance when not) to be recycled. Please take coats and uniform free of charge. If you have good quality uniform/coats to recycle please send in washed and ironed on a hanger if possible.

Proposed activities for 2023-24


Christmas Movie Night- pop corn and hot chocolate (Margam)

Singing in Care Home/ hospital (ideas welcome)

Giving something back -Shoe Box /Gift Tag / Mr X /Local Community

Food Bank – local

Spring Term

Easter Disco

Easter egg hunt

Easter Bonnet

Charity Danceathon

Easter Service

Beach Walk

Summer Term

Festival of colour – multi cultural celebration


Beach Walk

Teddy Bears Picnic

Next Meeting: 11th October 2023 at 9:00am.