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Library Visit

Year 2 enjoyed another fantastic library visit to Port Talbot Library with Leah last month!

We listened to stories and then could choose our own library books to borrow from the library. We have our own class library cards and our books were stamped at the desk!

Diolch yn fawr Leah and Port Talbot library!

Lest We Forget

We took part in Margam Orangery’s ‘Lest We Forget’ memorial at Margam Park this year. Beautiful tributes were shared.



We have REFLECTED in those who have died within our family, friends and community.

Come along and help us to remember.

 On Sunday in St Joseph’s Parish we will call out the list of those who died during the First World War, the Second World War, The Falklands and other conflicts.


The PoppyStory Lest we forget

Year 2’s trip to Margam Park

Our topic this term is The Gruffalo and Into the Woods. We had a wonderful day in Margam Park on Monday where Rhian, our guide, had created lots of exciting activities for us based around our senses!

First we played a senses game…


Next we made a leaf picture frame…

Then we had to find different materials to create a ‘smelly pot’. We had to add a magic potion!

It was very smelly!

After that, we were blindfolded and had to feel different objects using our sense of touch.

After lunch, we listened to the Gruffalo story. We had to help the Gruffalo characters find a new home because the bad weather had blown their homes away!

We crossed a stream into the deep, dark, woods…

Click on the link below to watch us crossing the stream!


Finally, we made a home for our woodland creature friends using natural materials!