Dear Parents,
We are so looking forward to seeing you and all of our children back in school in September. To keep everyone safe I thought it would be a good idea to share some really important information. This advice maybe subject to change pending advice from NPT and Welsh Government during the Summer holidays.
I will try not to bombard you with too much information. The news so far…
Great News! All children will be back in September.
When? Year 1,2 and Reception will start back Thursday 3rd September.
Reception Children- phased return
To ease Reception children into fulltime education and maybe to stop them sleeping the afternoon away-
- Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th the session will end at 1:00.
- Monday 7th – Friday 11th the session will finish at 2:00.
- Monday 14th onwards 8:55- 2:55.
Nursery Children
To help settle Nursery children into school life we will be running 2 Nursery sessions for the first term, allowing them to get used to school routines in a smaller group. Mrs Coughlin and I will be in touch to give you details of sessions and Taster Days. We hope to have all children in by 14th September.
Staggered Approach
We will as far as possible keep them in their class bubbles. To do this we will stagger the start, lunch, end of the school day.
Class | Arrival | Lunch | Pick Up |
Y2 AW | 8:45 | 11:55 | 2:45 |
Y1 ST | 8:55 | 11:45 | 2:55 |
Y1/R JJ | 8:55 | 11:35 | |
Reception EM/KT | 8:55 | 11:35 | 2:55 |
Nursery AM | 9:00 | – | 11:30 |
Nursery PM | 12:15 | 2:45 |
*For those children with siblings we will be flexible
Social Distancing for adults
Please remember to use the One Way system for drop off – up the lane behind Norman Street and exit the lane to Norman Street. Children will be met at the main blue gate.
Uniform as usual
Please could children wear uniform daily. Fresh clothes daily is advisable to reduce transmission. (PDG grant form available to down load from website). Mrs O’Callaghan has a large stock of good quality uniform in the Church Nearly New Shop (Open 3rd and 4th September 10:00-11:00).
School Meals Service
We will be adapting our School Dinner service to provide a combination of Hot Grab Bags, Cold Grab Bags and hot meals. If your child prefers to eat packed lunch, please use a SMALL lunchbox. Please NO backpacks. Please send water in a bottle you’re your child’s name on it.
Fruit will continue daily. Please send £2 in the envelopes that we will provide in September(Before handling it will be left for 72 hours).
Working Together
Remember that it will be vitally important not to send your child into school should they display any symptoms of COVID (cough/ loss of sense of smell/ high temperature).
Cutting down transition
Clubs Unfortunately, for the first term there will be no Breakfast Club, no Language and Play and no After School Clubs.
Payments Please use Parent Pay for Voluntary Contribution Building Fund payments £25 per term (£2 per week) and
Dinner Money £11.75 (£2.35 daily).
Transport We are waiting on an update on school transport, as yet there will be NO transport.
We will provide children with pencils/stationary packs. Please do not send in resources from home. Please remember to label all belongings, especially coats and jumpers.
Have a great Summer, I look forward to seeing you all in September.
My love and prayers go to each and everyone of you,
Stay safe
Ms Beaumont