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Author: Ms Beaumont

Back to School Arrangements for September 2020


Dear Parents,

We are so looking forward to seeing you and all of our children back in school in September. To keep everyone safe I thought it would be a good idea to share some really important information. This advice maybe subject to change pending advice from NPT and Welsh Government during the Summer holidays.

I will try not to bombard you with too much information. The news so far…


Great News! All children will be back in September.

When? Year 1,2 and Reception will start back Thursday 3rd September.


Reception Children- phased return

To ease Reception children into fulltime education and maybe to stop them sleeping the afternoon away-

  • Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th the session will end at 1:00.
  • Monday 7th – Friday 11th the session will finish at 2:00.
  • Monday 14th onwards 8:55- 2:55.


Nursery Children

To help settle Nursery children into school life we will be running 2 Nursery sessions for the first term, allowing them to get used to school routines in a smaller group. Mrs Coughlin and I will be in touch to give you details of sessions and Taster Days. We hope to have all children in by 14th September.


Staggered Approach

We will as far as possible keep them in their class bubbles. To do this we will stagger the start, lunch, end of the school day.


Class Arrival Lunch Pick Up
Y2 AW 8:45 11:55 2:45
Y1 ST 8:55 11:45 2:55
Y1/R JJ 8:55 11:35
Reception EM/KT 8:55 11:35 2:55
Nursery AM 9:00 11:30
Nursery PM 12:15 2:45


*For those children with siblings we will be flexible


Social Distancing for adults

Please remember to use the One Way system for drop off – up the lane behind Norman Street and exit the lane to  Norman Street. Children will be met at the main blue gate.


Uniform as usual

Please could children wear uniform daily. Fresh clothes daily is advisable to reduce transmission. (PDG grant form available to down load from website). Mrs O’Callaghan has a large stock of good quality uniform in the Church Nearly New Shop (Open 3rd and 4th September 10:00-11:00).


School Meals Service

We will be adapting our School Dinner service to provide a combination of  Hot Grab Bags, Cold Grab Bags and hot meals. If your child prefers to eat packed lunch, please use a SMALL lunchbox. Please NO backpacks. Please send water in a bottle you’re your child’s name on it.


Fruit will continue daily. Please send £2 in the envelopes that we will provide in September(Before handling it will be left for 72 hours).


Working Together

Remember that it will be vitally important not to send your child into school should they display any symptoms of COVID (cough/ loss of sense of smell/ high temperature).


Cutting down transition


Clubs Unfortunately, for the first term there will be no Breakfast Club, no Language and Play and no After School Clubs.


Payments Please use Parent Pay for Voluntary Contribution Building Fund payments £25 per term (£2 per week) and

Dinner Money £11.75 (£2.35 daily). 


Transport We are waiting on an update on school transport, as yet there will be NO transport.

We will provide children with pencils/stationary packs. Please do not send in resources from home. Please remember to label all belongings, especially coats and jumpers.



Have a great Summer, I look forward to seeing you all in September.

My love and prayers go to each and everyone of you,

               Stay safe

                  Ms Beaumont




Classes September 2020/21

Classes 2020/21

Classes for 2020 will be organised into 4 groups, with the addition of Nursery sessions which will be led by Mrs Coughlin.

Where a year group is split teachers will liaise and plan with one another to ensure the same curriculum content is taught to children of the same age group.


Classes and Teaching Staff for September 2020

Year Group                    Teacher

Year 2                             Miss Wellington

Year 1                             Mrs Turner

Year 1/ Reception       Mrs James

Reception                     Mrs Mapp/ Mrs Torrance

Nursery                         Mrs Coughlin


Q and A : Your questions answered

Why have we split the classes?

Splitting the classes enables us to have smaller class sizes across the school.


Meet your teacher!

Year 2 – Miss Wellington



Year 1 – Mrs Turner



Reception/Year 1 – Mrs James



Reception – Mrs Mapp & Mrs Torrance



Nursery – Mrs Coughlin


Childhood Vaccinations During the Pandemic

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been contacted by NPT Health and Wellbeing Team and asked to share very important link  to Health Board information relating to childhood vaccination. Keep safe:)

Many thanks,

Ms Beaumont

Please see the links below to the Health Board webpages containing information about childhood vaccinations during the pandemic.  We would be grateful if you could share these links with parents via your usual communication methods.



NPT Message – Hub Provision for children of Key Workers to change during the Summer holidays

Message from NPT Local Authority


Dear Parent / Carer


In response to the early lockdown period, Neath Port Talbot local authority provided hub childcare facilities for critical workers. This was an immediate response to the emergency childcare needs for those on the frontline of the national cause to minimise the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Schools were repurposed in line with Welsh Government’s guidance to provide these facilities.


Following consultation with other agencies including the NHS and as we progress our national recovery programme, the same level of need no longer exists and the lifting of restrictions allows for childcare to be delivered by more normal means. The repurposing of schools has been reversed and as a result, the local authority will not be providing summer childcare for critical workers. This decision is in accordance with other neighbouring local authorities, Welsh Government decisions and paves an opportunity for childcare providers in Neath Port Talbot to re-establish their businesses and ensure that childcare needs are met accordingly.


Families wishing to access childcare are welcome to contact the local authority’s Family Information Service ( ) who will provide a list of registered providers who would be able to meet their needs.


The local authority’s Children Services and Education Directorate are currently constructing a summer support programme for our most vulnerable learners, many of whom have found lockdown conditions particularly challenging and detrimental. This programme will seek to deliver bespoke support for those assessed to be our most isolated children and young people suffering from increased stresses and substantial psychological inequality. The programme will be configured around current resource, allowing services to deliver increased opportunities for safe social interaction and enhanced wellbeing and mental health interventions.


Again, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to parents and carers for their understanding and cooperation during these challenging times.


Yours sincerely,

Aled Evans

Director of Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning


Neges gan Awdurdod Lleol CNPT

Easter Message

Dear children, Parents, Carers, Staff and friends of St. Joseph’s Infant School, 

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!  


 I just wanted to pen a few lines to my St Joseph’s Family and make sure you knew, you are all in my thoughts and prayers and that I am really missing you all. Well done to the children for the great posts on See Saw, there is a great deal of hard work still being done at home.  Well done Mums and Dads for helping children with their learning. This certainly is an Easter with a difference. No traditional Easter celebrations, no Easter Egg hunt, no Easter bonnet parade, no Easter service led by Year 2, but these things were not meant to be. 

A huge vote of thanks and our prayers goes out to those Key Workers in NHS who are looking after the sick and vulnerable, and those who are working to provide food in our shops and keep our community working. Huge thanks also to our staff who have volunteered over the Easter break to look after the children of NHS staff. 

Pope Francis’ Easter message:  

“What a joy it is for me to announce this message: Christ is risen! I would like it to go out to every house and every family, especially where the suffering is greatest.” 

Monsignor Joseph encourages you all to pray together, “The family prays together stays together.” Please hold in your thoughts and prayers our loved ones who are ill, all those who are alone and all who are working on our behalf to help us. We especially pray for those in the NHS who are working on the front line. Please try to find some time daily to pray with your children, remember to pray for us as we pray for you.  

Keep safe, 

Ms Julie Beaumont and the staff of St Joseph’s Infant School 

Planning To improve our Play Area, School Council Meeting 12.02.2020

Schools’ Council, three children from Year 2, Year 1 and Reception, met on Wednesday to discuss plans for the future.

Our School castle will be taken down by Mr Coughlin during February Half Term. Children shared with Ms Beaumont and Mrs O’Leary their ideas from a previous meeting with Mrs Turner. If possible children would like to continue with the tree house idea and include slide, climbing ramp, periscope, climbing ladder. Ms Beaumont will discuss the possibility of installing 3 separate small playhouse towers with Mrs Coughlin. Watch this post!

Missio in Action

Huge thanks to Year 2 children who braved the weather to clean and tidy the prayer area this afternoon.

2 Jesuit values:


Praying for others




Prayer Partners

Reducing waste- water Switching off lights Recycling Cutting down on food waste/Healthy foods Loving our world-litter Beach comb



School Council: Rights of the Child

Autumn: Spring


Article 29:

Your right to become the best that you can be.


Article 12:

Your right to say what you think should happen

and be listened to.

Article 15:

Your right to meet with friends and join groups

and clubs.

Article 6:

You have the right to life and to grow up to

be healthy.

Article 28:

Your right to learn and to go to school.


Article 19:

You should not be harmed and should be looked after

and kept safe.


Christmas Crafts-Peru


Silver Egg,

World Book Day,

Welsh Dimension/ 4 Key Purposes

Day of Many Colours

Multi -cultural weeks



Prayer Buddies:

  • Delphine, Josh, Jonny, Frankie, Evie, Aarika to lead and organise prayer buddies in school  (Week beginning 24th  Feb 2020).

Prayer Garden:

Jet Wash Prayer Area and use buckets from car wash.

Children to investigate whether we would need a roof  and come back with ideas after Half Term


What should we do to improve the look of the Prayer Area?

Paint Images of



  • Baby Jesus
  • May and Joseph
  • Angel
  • Creation
  • Noah’s Ark
  • Jesus calming the storm
  • The good Samaritan
  • Ask Mr Coughlin to repair pole wall and add 3 crosses if possible.

We should include our Catholic Virtues:

Love and Compassion

Discerning and  Listening

Hopeful and Faithfilled

Truthful – Learned

Grateful and Giving

Cayden suggested we should bring in the 4Rs?

Resilience –Do your best and God will do the rest


Ella suggests fake grass on pebble area

Nest step to consider:

  1. Collect Flags for around the world/ Bunting (Tibet).
  2. Research Hanging display
  3. Do we want a structure?
  4. Collective Worship/ Prayer Resources

Collective Worship Overview

Monday Head: JBR

Whole School

Tuesday Lead: Mrs Sarah Turner (1), Mrs Elaine Mapp (2)

Whole School

Wednesday Mass: St Joseph’s Parish 9:30am


Thursday Lead: Miss Aimee Wellington(1), Mrs Kath Torrance (2)

Whole School

Friday Whole Class

Collective Worship


School Collective Worship will follow the Church’s Seasons



  • Is the first Sunday of the Church’s year
  • It is the fourth Sunday before Christmas
  • It is the time to prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus
  • The advent candles are lit during this season



  • Celebrating the birth of Jesus
  • The fixed date of 25th December (was originally the date of a pagan festival)



  • January 6th – 12 days after Christmas
  • Remembers the baptism of Jesus and the Good News being taken to the Gentiles (non-Jews)
  • Often linked to the arrival of the Wise Men in Bethlehem



  • A time to reflect on ourselves and our relationship with God
  • Starts on Ash Wednesday and continues for 40 days (the length of time Jesus was in the wilderness and was tempted by the devil)
  • Christians often ‘give up’ something for Lent
  • The 4th Sunday of Lent is ‘Mothering Sunday’ or ‘Refreshment Sunday’ when the disciplines of Lent can be rested!


Holy Week

  • Palm Sunday / Maundy Thursday / Good Friday



  • The resurrection and appearances of Jesus



  • Celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (50 days after Easter) and the beginning of the mission of the Church


‘Ordinary ‘Time

  • The Sundays which follow Pentecost (except Trinity Sunday) are sometimes called Sundays in ‘Ordinary Time’
  • This season includes, Harvest Trinity Sunday and All Saints day


  • The four basic liturgical colours are white, green, red and purple. The traditional symbolism of these colours is:
    • WHITE/GOLD – innocence, purity, victory, joy, resurrection;
    • GREEN – hope, growth, increase, life;
    • RED ‐ sacrifice (particularly the sacrifice of life), charity, zeal, Holy Spirit;
    • PURPLE – sorrow, penitence, preparation.