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Month: September 2019

Come and See Autumn Term Update for Parents

Saint Joseph’s Catholic Infant School

RE themes Come and See

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s),


This term we will be studying the three themes of Domestic Church (Family), Sacrament (Baptism and Confirmation -Belonging) and Christian Living  (Advent and Christmas -Loving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics. The children will also spend time studying Judaism.

Domestic church – family

Early Years         Myself – God knows and loves each one

Year 1                   Families – God’s love and care for every family

Year 2                   Beginnings – God is present in every beginning



Pupils will study various aspects of Judaism for one week. Ask them what they have been learning about

Suggestions for home activities

Make a collage using family photographs of all the significant family members—grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles etc. who show God’s love.

Write underneath it “We show God’s love to one another.Include those who have died.


Sacraments – Baptism and Confirmation – Belonging

 Early Years         welcome – Baptism: a welcome to God’s family

Year 1                   belonging – Baptism: an invitation to belong to God’s  family

Year 2                   signs and symbols – Signs and symbols in Baptism

Suggestions for home activities

Talk to someone who has been to a Baptism and/or Confirmation about their memories of this celebration.


Christian Living -Advent/Christmas – Loving

 Early Years         birthday – Looking forward to Jesus’ birthday

Year 1                   waiting – Advent: a time to look forward to Christmas

Year 2                   preparations – Advent: preparing to celebrate  Christmas

Suggestions for home activities

Discuss with the children how your family welcomes visitors to your home.

Find out about some Christian symbols for Advent e.g. Advent wreath, calendar, Jesse tree.

Use the CAFOD or Missio websites to get a religious Advent calendar.



Remember: Parents are the first educators. Together we can make a real difference.

Please make the effort to buy a children’s bible. We suggest one with beautiful engaging illustrations.

Please find time in our busy lives to reflect on the stories that Jesus told.


Come along and join in parish celebrations:  A warm welcome is extended to all our families to come along and join us to celebrate Mass every Sunday in St Joseph’s, Our Lady of Margam and Briton Ferry. Family Masses are celebrated usually on the 2nd Sunday of each month in St Joseph’s and half termly in Margam. During these special celebrations, children play a key role in the liturgy.

Sacramental Preparation begins in the Autumn Term for all parishes. Please contact Monsignor Joseph or Canon Paul for further information.